Reading Sensation

WC:339 OOC: so cuuute love the puppies!!

Amata had been so into reading that when her name was called out she gave a frightened bark, and slightly jumped, but seeing that it was Lorenzo she calmed herself and gave the puppy a great big smile when he jumped onto her lap with his pudgy oversized feet. She’d met him just after coming back from her long … training session. He was her aunt Ghita’s, she had to remind herself. She knew Ghita had a litter once before, they’d kind of grown up together, though Amata remembered little about them, as she’d always been out exploring Crimson dreams alone. So it was strange to think that Ghita had another litter, but all the more it made Amata happy. It seemed she gained her mother’s love for children.

Lorenzo, it’s not nice to jump up and scare people.

She said, but her tone was laughing and she was smiling, he was a cute puppy and she adored him, and to spend time with one was a dream come true, especially since all she’d been through alone. Looking at the book and the boy who was staring asking her what she was doing she giggled. She pointed to the letters on the book.

I am reading, you see these? The are called words, and the words, they tell a story.

She said. She doubted that “lord of the flies” was a book she should be even considering reading to a pup. She was sure there were more pup friendly books around. She was sure there were childrens books around somewhere, though they had pictures full of humans in them, but it was better than nothing, but she did not get up, as the pup was still on her lap.

What brings you in here? Wheres your mom and dad? They outside?

She asked, she wasn’t worried about the puppy in here. The only thing to worry about was the mischief they caused. She knew all too well what trouble puppies could be… after all she use to be one.

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