i'm never growing up

yey! sswm: 334

It was apparent to woman that some sort of communal gathering was happening when she heard Conor’s footsteps leave the house just minutes earlier; the town was demoting a small humming buzz of electricity with increased activity. Carefully she slithered off the couch, taking her satchel of and placing it neatly in a pile, after ensuring that its contents were stable. She cautiously slipped out of her living quarters and out the front door without much sound, and stalked after Conor’s footprints through the snow. It wasn’t long before she had him in her sights, and it had appeared that her assumption was somewhat correct, well mostly. At first it appeared like a gathering, but when the woman approached and shyly hovered behind Conor’s tall form, a fellow pack mate explained the rules.

A game? The surprises she was finding here were just getting better and better and the woman allowed a cute smile to veil itself across her maw with the mentioning of Conor being one of the team leaders. Thank the lord she had been blessed, someone she knew – well sort of, and of course she wanted to be involved in this activity, it simply sounded far too appealing to the girl. She moved forward slightly insistent she didn’t want to be perceived as a shy lamb to Conor’s side and tapped his arm gently, directing her velvet eyes to his face.

”Conor, im on your team, I don’t know anyone else” She almost whispered so that no other prying ears would detect her embarrassing message. With the time she had spent inside Conor and Bris’s residence her weight had slowly increased it’s mass around her body, the shallow outline of her once voluptuous figure moulding itself against her thin frame piece by piece. Her vision then wandered back to her host, and remembered what words had been circulated around Wolfville of the organised event. She offered the male a beautiful warming smile and nodded her head in confirmation of his words.

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