each trip makes a spot
http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/9928/lunarut5.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Aww, Noah! D: *hugs*
Wc: 784 SoSuWriMo~

In her mind, Ghita wasn't being the least bit hostile towards the intruder on her lands. This was simply how she did business, how she was taught to and how her nature dictated. At this point, she knew nothing of the silver male with the milky eye and the lame leg that stood on her territory - for all she knew, those could be battle scars that could dictate a violent nature, one that would want to bring harm to her family and her pack. Perhaps it wasn't kind to make such assumptions upon meeting someone for the first time, but at times it was necessary, especially when it came to the safety of her friends and family. It would be unwise to assume that every intruder meant no harm, even when that turned out to be most of the cases surrounding intruders. Ghita did not want to be responsible for the single time that an intruder turned out to be violent, and she certainly did not want this error on her record, or to second guess her own ability to judge character. In her mind, Ghita wasn't being hostile but obeying protocol required on her own lands, as a high-ranking pack member. She hadn't meant to appear threatening or angry in any way, but given the male's drastic reaction to her presence, she thought that she should give this more consideration. She had obviously frightened him, despite his appearance of having seen more of life than she'd had. Feeling the first prickles of regret in her fur, she studied him with her turquoise eyes for another moment, trying to judge whether or not she could afford to let her guard down at this time.

Sitting back on her haunches, her tail dropped from it's aggressive post and her body morphed into a less threatening creature, but the searching look in her eyes remained the same, her ears remained erect, and she still held the air that she hoped seemed authoritative. It worked on her small puppies, but she hadn't been around many wolves other than her family, Jazper, and her young puppies - the latter of the three could be easily intimidated by a snap or a slight growl. With all of these factors combined, her lack of sleep only heightening her suspicion and desire to screen this wolf correctly, her temper was shortened and sympathy somewhat lacking. The agouti mother could only give so much sympathy towards meaningless problems, such as "Tony stepped on my tail!" and "Fia's eating my ears!" and "Lorenzo won't stop snoring! MOM". Eventually, Ghita resorted to simply remove the tattling child from the situation and gave it a bath, a quick tactic that had the children reporting less and less squabbles between each other and began sorting out these problems for themselves, something that Ghita hadn't originally intended, but didn't see any need to halt her parenting strategy. She had found something that worked somewhat well, and wasn't about to stop it here.

Flicking her ears in surprise once she heard the words Twilight Vale echo around them, she gave a quick nod to the wolf opposite her, hoping to dispel some of his nerves. He had at least checked out their history, given the mention of her pack's old name, back when Savina hadn't been the leader, and, if memory served, the white Naniko had taken the reins. Ghita herself hadn't been a member of the pack back in those days, but her mate Jazper had, and so had Savina - which gave enough ties to the family to be considered slightly less suspicious. At the very least, this man wasn't mad. "That's certainly some time ago." However, at the same time, she scented another pack's scent on him, a pack that she'd had little contact with, but knew all the same. She expected him to be of Phoenix Valley, and although the pack had never given Crimson Dreams trouble to her knowledge, she couldn't base her judgement solely on the pack's history. "You've travelled some distance from Phoenix Valley to get here." The fae murmured, calculating the distance in her mind, but giving up before she heard Noah's next statement. It was a long journey, nevertheless. The sudden mention of her mate's name brought a shock to the fae, as shown by her blinking turquoises, and once the meaning sunk in she let a wolfy smile grace her pretty features. "That would make me your sister-in-law, Ghita Marino. Why didn't you mention that sooner?" She'd heard her ebony mate mention a brother once or twice before, and it sounded like it was this male. If he was family - she would welcome him whenever needed.


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