Shadow Girl
OOC: XDD he's checkin' her out! haha, I'd love to see it! she's got weird stuff going through her head, too, only its just mostly her trying to figure out how to do something in her rather... chaotic way XD

Valinta nodded idly. "I am from Cercatori d'Arte..." she said. Looking up, she smiled. "My name means 'choice' in Finnish." she smiled happily, she always liked to impart knowledge, it made her believe her shortcomings were.... less short.
"I am completely called Valinta LeStrange." she said, with her odd speech patterns. She didn't know her own last name, and Margaret had never told her, simply calling her 'the little LeStrange'. The little female asumed that was her last name, and had adopted it as such. Maybe if her father hadn't died, she would know who she was. But then she wouldn't be in Cercatori d'Arte. Or here. With J'adore, who was turning out to be a nice stranger.
I wonder why he's being so nice to me... Valinta thought. Not many people are. Mentally shrugging, she looked up at J'adore. "You're warm. she said, and leaned in a little more.

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