Meeting new friends, trying new things
OOC: and BAM! Valinta's addicted XDD

Valinta smiled when the woman said she spoke the truth. As much as she didn't believe that, she didn't care. Someone probably wouldn't lie about their honesty. That would be slightly... well, stupid, really.
"These lands are beautiful," she said. They were. Valinta nodded, acknowledging the fact. It was a beautiful place to live.
Valinta laughed softly when the female asked why she'd want to leave her pack. "I meant that I've been wanting to just wander around, not leave it entirely." She shrugged. "Most of my life has been wandering up until recently."
"I do dance." Valinta acknowledged softly. She was proud of her art, she worked hard at it. "I've tried sketching a few times," Valinta chuckled. "It didn't turn out too well. I am not as skilled at that as others are."
She was offered the marijuana. "Marijuana..?" Valinta murmered. Taking the joint into her slim fingers, she put it to her lips and inhaled. Maybe too much. Doubling over, she started hacking and then looked up, tears dampening her fur. "I think I did it wrong." she rasped, and offered Sage the joint back.

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