Shadow Girl
OOC- XD Now he gonna be all forward like Vee and wrap his arms around her! XD

J'adore nodded, Valinta looked up and smiled. 'I like names that have a meaning' he mused. She told him her full name and again he thought Nice name, suites her well. 'What do you do in Cercatori? Rank wise. You don't seem like one who busys round an easel'. J'adore asked, thinking hard. He was, all in all, having quite a good day. J'adore again scribbled in the snow, adding a VL to the heart, 'Here you can share my heart' suddenly realisng how deep that sounded. Valinta was turning out to be a very pleasent (and pretty) water bottle. She leant in a little more, commenting on his warmth. Finally J'adore couldn't help himself, he pulled Valinta so she stood with her back to the centre of his chest and he wrapped his other arm around her. 'So are you' he replied with grin.

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