Touch of Death

SSWM: 451

Melee still couldn’t figure out while this male was chasing her and trying to kill her. She didn’t even know him, neither did she want to at this point. He was continuing to chase her as if she was just some prey to him. She hated the feeling and just wanted to go home. Home, that was it. That was really the only safe place she could think of to go where she could escape from this mad wolf; although, considering her size it was going to take her a while before she was able to make it all the way back. She turned around as she could smell the male getting farther away. This was a good thing which meant he was not following her, for the time being anyways. The pup began to look around for a new hiding place, though she wasn’t really having any luck. All there really was to hide her was the tall grass and some logs, but the male’s powerful jaws could break right through those. She would have to trust the grass that it would lead her somewhere safe. The girl looked to the sky. It was still bright out so the beast would still have a good chance of finding her. She would have to try and find a place that was dark and somewhere where she could try and fool the male away from her.

Melee began to roll around in the grass trying to mask her scent away. She wasn’t too sure if he would still be able to smell her or not, but she hoped that this would distract him long enough for her to find a new place to hide. The pup wandered around until she noticed a hole under a tree. The roots were blocking the entrance but it was big enough for her to squeeze into. She crawled into the back of the hole and curled up all by herself. She knew the male would soon find her and try to dig her out. She just hoped he would somehow go away and leave her alone. The pup’s heart was racing as she waited to see what would happen. She then heard his voice off in the distance, calling for her to come out. She tried to remain quiet but she was sure he would be able to spot her somehow. It was the male’s next sentence that threw her off guard. Daddy? This wasn’t her father. Never would she think that a monster like him would be her father. She folded her ears down as she kept her gaze on the exit to her hiding place, watching the male as he came closer and closer.

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