the storm is coming in

No worries! MCR lyrics on your table! Awesome.


Vheissu had only to stand there for a quarter of an hour before his call was answered. He was pleased, though this emotion did not express itself. The mongrel sucked down the last of the smoke and then flicked the cigarillo onto the pavement, where it rolled and then fell into a deep crack in the asphalt. Satisfied, the man exhaled slowly through his nose, smoke rising and breath freezing in the cold. He let his arm fall back to his side, where it instantly was hidden by the three-tone poncho hanging on his shoulders. The piece of simple clothing was not to keep warm; his coat was long and double-layered in winter, making even a journey through a blizzard somewhat comfortable. It's main purpose was to cover his vibrant and rather unique color. Not only did it make hunting and blending in almost impossible, it raised too many questions. And Vheissu did not have time for questions.

A less-than-warm welcome. Not surprising. The growl seemed less directed at him and more to the general inconvenience of dealing with him. He could understand that. He didn’t want to deal with the girl, either. But he had a job to do, and this was his only obstacle. Now if only she would be a gracious host and allow him safe passage. Of course, he realized the improbability of her denying his request, but why not try? They seemed to be on the same page. Vheissu briefly took notice of her odd appearance. (Of course, who was he to say what was odd? He was a dog wearing a poncho.) A scarf and a mask. Perhaps she too wanted to disguise herself.

"Need to pass through," stated the ginger vagabond. His tone was polite, but held an undercurrent of urgency. He was not one to beat around the bush. Already his patience was waning, though his deep red eyes were half-closed as if overcome with boredom.


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