Hey kid, the whole house is shakin'

Sorry for slowness... Had computer drama. All better now. Smile wc 393

The coal pup had been so preoccupied in his search that he failed to notice anything behind him, and that was when he found himself nearly squished! He had rounded one corner and, not discovering Harlowe's scent anywhere nearby, spun around and was about to double back when the woman popped out of nowhere. He yipped and leaped back, a pang of shock surging through him as he realized in that split second just how close he had come to being accidentally kicked or stepped on. As a pup unable to change yet, and with a pelt as dark as night that blended into the shadows of the caverns, he had to be careful about ending up underfoot of his Optime counterparts. Some day he, too, would be able to transform his shape. But until then, being a little pup was sometimes a dangerous thing.

His deep, crimson eyes stared up at the woman, at first in shock, then in mischief as he considered biting her toes off, and then with curiosity once he nixed that idea. He cocked his head to the side and in another beat his maw parted and he gave that silly Scorpius grin. He looked a little goofy, still quite feral in his youth. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, and he gaped at the woman like a true wolf pup, untainted by the hardships of age.

His ears perked and his tail, that had only been curled under for a brief moment when he thought he was going to be crushed, raised and swished to and fro. Sure, this was not as good as finding Harlowe to pester, but it sure beat being alone. “Hey!” He chirped happily. “Yeah, I'm looking for my brother Harlowe.” He huffed, exasperated, and then glanced around as though Harlowe would round the corner at the mention of his name. “I dunno where he went.”

He lowered his head for a moment, saddened that he could not find his brother, but soon his eyes jerked back to the woman's gray face and his tongue lolled again. “Where did you come from? I haven't seen you before.” He took a step closer to her. There was no timidness in his posture of his steps as he stretched his muzzle towards her, clearly testing and memorizing the woman's scent.

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