you've got bones in your closet [p]

i should nooooooooot be up right now. x____x. words: 417

He came to the conclusion this was a bad idea after the furniture nearly fell on him. It was stupid, he realized, to not bring anyone else with him on this excursion for extra help. It would be nearly impossible to carry a heavy object back to his new home. Ever should have come with him. It was too late now, though. The scar on his shoulder throbbed as the wolfdog took the piece of wood that hit him and threw it into the corner. He scowled, but momentarily forgot his pain as another being came into the house and nearly scared the life out of him.

“Who are you?” Ezra barked impatiently, irritated by the stranger’s frankness. The boy didn’t like being caught off guard, especially in a situation where he was hurt. The stranger didn’t seem dangerous, though. The black male didn’t give Ezra a bad vibe like Ouija did. He seemed just as confused as Ezra was, as he wasn’t expecting to see anyone today. But then, the male introduced himself, and the Comte finally let go of the growing tension budding and lining his stomach.

Ezra had to let it go. If he wanted to meet any new people for once or make any friends he was going to have to forget about the attack. The boy was sure that not everyone took attacks this seriously or this personally. But there was still that clinging hope that he wasn’t the only one who was hurting. His whole life got taken away. He was forced to do a lot of things Ezra didn’t do. He would have preferred to be blissfully unaware of the chaos of the luperci. It wasn’t his style, but now he had no choice but to embrace it. For his own sanity and Ever’s.

Ezra turned around, and kept shoving dusty objects around on the floor to make way for his large body. “Sorry about that, I’m a bit … jumpy around new people I’m afraid,” He said as a sort of peace-making with this new acquaintance. “Never met anyone from Crimson Dreams before. I’m Ezra, from the Court,” The boy finally got a good look at Jazper. He was clearly in pain, and looked not all there. The mutt sighed, trying to figure out something to say. Conversation was never his strong point in awkward situations, despite the fact that his company seemed pretty harmless. “You… alright?” Ezra asked carefully, trying his best to avoid touching any potentially awkward interactions.

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Table by Fae! <333

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