Ookami needs Showing Around.
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ooc: No, you're fine, I was just teasing you ^^ -snugs the Ookami person-...also I'm very sorry for your wait. holidays suck me into their vice grip XD

She knew better than to feel insecure around him, as he seemed so cheerful and appreciative of her, and his words only served to make her tail wag and a light smile fall onto her features. The smile was wiped away as he spoke further about why he enjoyed sleeping under the stars. Perhaps, he could have left that out as it made her feel slightly awkward now. She got over it with a simple change of subject. "That over there is Saunder's Mill..it is a very unstable human structure, so I don't advice you going in there to explore it, you could fall into the stream, which could hurt depending on what catches your fall.." She pointed to the building with her snout before she spoke, her voice grew with concern as she spoke about the dangers of going inside the hold building. The would slowly rotting over the years of its existence. "I find myself passing it by at least four times a day, and still I find it to look appealing to my eyes.." She said with a slight fondness in her voice. She looked to him curious of his expression and perhaps words about the old human structure.

They slowly passed by the place and she continued on with silence as they walked the much larger distance between the old mill and ranch. The ranch was her most favorite spot, and as she thought of this she willed herself to ask him a question that could be vital knowledge, "...so do you like horses?" She asked glancing back to him as she moved down the snowy valley hill, only to come up one more. Her trots were light, and still fluid despite the resistance against her limps from the newly fallen snow. Still she walked her path made from her daily trips to and from the ranch. "The next place we're going has a few horses..so I just want to make sure you're on good terms with the graceful beasts.." She added as the ranch finally began to come into view. It looked so peaceful, and slightly muddy near the opening at the back of the barn where the horses entered and exited the stable doors. A place that had much more condensed activity than the rest of the field. She stopped at a distance that to her seemed to hold a natural beauty nothing else could.

How the barn looked to the rest of the natural landscape always mad her stop right here and just admire it. She could do this for hours, and had many times. Drawing in a lung full of cold air she let out a happy sigh, "This is Three Moon Ranch...." She said with a big smile upon her jowls, "I come here every morning just before the sun begins to rise, and then I spend hours here..cleaning the stales, feeding, and brushing the horses. I also come here every night just as the sun begins to set and put them away making sure their water is still fresh, then give them their treat. It is very peaceful here.." She sat down continuing to admire the structure, her eyes wondering to a few of the horses within the pasture. She had laid quite a bit of alfalfa out for them just in case they had trouble finding the grass buried beneath snow. She had forgotten about her insecurity when she thought of the moon ranch, or was even near it. It was a place of comfort to her, but still she wondered why she was sharing all this information. It was impossible to talk about Phoenix Valley and not talk about herself. It was like she was a part of everything within Phoenix valley.

Again she began to walk this time heading toward the Southern mirror lake so she could encircle it. The sun was beginning to rise high in the sky by this time and she knew most likely after making a complete circle around both mirror lakes it would be time to head back to the ranch to put the horses away. Sometimes she didn't have to as Jefferson had already done it, but sometimes he didn't and that was when she came in and did so. Even on days he did she would give them their treat. At first she thought it would cause the horses to become a bit plumby however, it hadn't happened yet and so she continued to give them that little extra treat. After that, it would be time to lay around until sleep gripped her mind and body.


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