Hold On Tight
ooc;; RAAAWWRR angry nani!<33 BOOOOM! 1000+

Green eyes watched with a bemused interest at Melee's passive behaviour to te situation. Although there would be no denying that it was classical Melee, bringing back a stray pup and angering it by accusing it of being lost, Saul could tell that she was just a little worried about what was going to happen after they got home. Saul hadn't noticed she'd been gone, but when Gideon woke up and found his daughter missing they would all know about it then. So in many ways he was grateful that he had been out here this morning and he'd seen Melee before Gideon had woken. Though there was no way to get a message to his brother Saul was certain he could return Melee to her bed before setting out with the little black boy to find out where he lived. Saul could remember what it was like to be young and lost, but he kenw Scorpius was younger than even he had been when the storm had hit. His nieces's giggle made him look down and smile sweetly at the chocolate and cream girl.

"Ah I see... Well thats okay then."

Saul murmered softly in her direction. When he'd pulled her into his warm embrace he'd felt the feather light lick against his leg. He caught the motion she made with her head to invite the black boy into their little huddle and the young boy smiled. Shifting his leg out so there would be more room for the boy if he decided to take his niece up on the offer. He was young, perhaps only just allowed out on his own, and it was obvious he was cold. The pup had finally decided that Saul was not planning on drowning him and took his time lapping up enough water to hydrate a camel for a few days. Green eyes danced with amusement as the boy lifted his head back up catching the droplets on his fuzzy chin. Cinnamon backed ears perked forward and a smile curved his lips at the boys words. He was so cold now he couldnt speak properly. However Scorpius took his moment to glance at Melee, who had just motioned for him to come over. The little black boy was wedged between them before Saul could blink.

"You're welcome Scorpius. And that's okay- every stranger looks like a big bad wolf until you get to know them."

His chest must have vibrated on both of their heads as he spoke and Saul tried not to laugh softly to himself with the image of two dark pups having their heads vibrating danced across his mind. However, his nieces worried expression caught his eye. As she began to speak Saul considered what she had to say. Saul doubted very much that Gideon would punish his children- he would be so grateful that she was back and unharmed that she probably would be the center of attention for weeks. But that would mean Range would be left out. A serious expression crossed over his face as he looked both pups in the eye. Though Gideon was less likely to tell them off, Saul could not help imagining if both pups had ended up somewhere other than Dahlia de Mai. Any number of things could have happened to them on the journey home. Melee was too young to leave Dahlia, that was for sure.

"I'm not going to tell Daddy... But Melee you have to understand that there are much bigger and scarier things out there, and unlike in here, nobody is there to protect you. I won't tell Daddy what happened... If you promise me that you won't go out of Dahlia's borders for at least another month."

Saul spoke seriously to his niece, but it was the worry in his voice that was most prominant. He had, in effect, grounded his niece without her realising it. But if she was murdered or killed and he hadn't done a thing about keeping her in Dahlia then it would haunt his consciounce forever. The little boy's voice caught him by surprise and the tone of his words made Saul grin softly above them. His listened to Scorpius admit that he had been lost, in the end. Green eyes watched as he dropped his head and a small wave of pity crashed over the Stormbringer male. The little guy had been out on an adventure and somehow he'd managed to end up lost in a completely foriegn land with a puppy he'd met the day before and a teenager that had found them out here. It must have been a scary moment for the dark boy. Gazing down into redenned eyes Saul gave the pup a reassuring lick on the head.

"Don't you go worrying Scorpius. It happens to the best of us. We'll just take Melee home and put her to bed before her daddy realises she's gone, then we'll see if we can get you home, eh?"

His voice was soft and fluid as he made his plan known to the pups. He would have taken Melee with him to find the boys home but Gideon would go spare if he woke to find her gone. So they would drop her off and then he would carry Scorpius in his arms- the boy looked exhausted. However, something caught the boys attention and keen green eyes were gazing sharply round the spring. It was not so much as a knowledge but a feeling, a feeling that somebody else was there. The caller had been too far away when she had shouted her sons name but his senses were picking up movement too quiet to hear. Lowering his head over both pups to shield them, Saul allowed a small growl to come forward as he looked to protect his cargo beneath his body.

"Who's there... Reveal yourself."

The man warned, and now he could see why Scorpius had found him scary. But he was protecting them and therefore the boy would have to deal with it. Green eyes kept a watchful vigil on the area around him, waiting for whomever was here to reveal themselves.

word count;; 1,029



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