Frost Bitten toes, and frost nipped ears.
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Table © Alaine
OOC: Np! Don't worry a bit - admissions are more important. <3 Best of luck!
Wc: 1235 SoSuWriMo

Like any mother worth her salt, Ghita was always questioning her son for the sake of his safety, eager to know just what he'd been up to, if he was in need of anything, etc. And this role would naturally be quite difficult to shake. To have Aro inquiring about her was a touching display of just how grown-up her son had gotten on his trip away from the pack, having become more aware of the mortality of his parents. It was a lesson that came usually within the grasps of puberty, but was somewhat shattering to realize - as a pup, Ghita had always viewed her mother as a concrete angel, infallible in the face of trouble and woe. Her father had never factored into the equation, seeing as she never factored into his. But it took Amata's death for Ghita to realize, too late in her life, that all wolves, no matter how important in someone's life, were made of the same life's breath, and wouldn't last the test of time no matter how much love they were given, or should have been given. It was one of Ghita's regrets to not express how much love she had for her mother - and wished she could've been closer with her siblings back in Italy.

But who would we be if not for our regrets? Pain makes us the people we are today, for better or for worse. And luckily for Ghita, her son would not be a part of that pain for lack of distance. For a while, the two had struggled as Aro grew up, exploring the territories before he was ready to, out in the world where pups would find themselves easy prey to bad wolves who ought to know better. However, after that initial conflict the two of them had patched the hole up quickly and grown all the stronger for it. Ghita knew that one day, if Aro chose to have pups of his own, he'd come across this same conflict with his own youth - it was inevitable, and she hoped that he'd have the head to use more patience with them than she had with him. "We're doing well, Aro, and all the more glad to see you do the same."

A secret pride couldn't stop burning in the agouti mother's chest when she looked at her son, for both obvious and not-so-obvious reasons. Of course, her son was turning into a fine man (who'd had his fair share of luck with the ladies, so she was hearing) and developed into a fine personality, someone that she was glad to have around for her pups as a role model. Beaming as they walked towards the bed, another part of her was proud that she could see the wayward trait that obviously came from herself in Aro, the need for adventure and wandering flowing through their veins. However many her shortcomings as a mother could be, she could always offer tips and tricks for traveling, offering her wisdom should he desire it. Also, she would always be there for her son, should he need her to run the length of Canada to get to his side. Previously, she hadn't recalled a dagger being at Aro's side, but approved of it's presence - a wolf needed to defend itself, whether the weapon was in teeth and claws or more humanized weapons of days gone by.

Loving, somewhat diabolically, how her son's cheeks seemed to flush under his tuxedoed pelt, she had meant the question only in jest - in reality, she would be torn between horror and joy if Aro had come home a father. In her eyes, Aro was still a baby, and only part of that was due to his actual age. He had turned into a man, but had passed the cusp of manhood just barely, adding to the fact that he was her son, and Ghita simply didn't feel old enough for grandchildren just yet. Despite the fact that she'd tried for her litter at the somewhat young age of two years, she'd taken another two years to have a successful chance at motherhood, and was blessed with another. At times, when she traveled back to the dark time of her miscarriage, she'd wondered if a whole litany of things had caused it, all of them being her fault, of course. Her own youth could've been a factor, but this time that all changed. She could finally put the trauma behind her, but never forget the lives she couldn't carry to the light. But in this moment, four lives she'd succeeded with were in front of her, calling her attention to the lives they were leading.

Nodding at what Aro told her of Phoenix Valley, she had never had any personal dealings with the pack save for a few, but found her son's desire to meet all of the pack leaders a noble and intelligent one. "I think that's a great idea." Biting back remarks that cautioned him about the packs she viewed as more inclined to violence, she was sure that her son knew of this already, and wouldn't need his mother's words of caution. At the mention of Naniko, her ears flattened with a suppressed, complicated emotion that held many layers, not all of them positive. The fae who'd been responsible for Cambria's trials, the fae who'd created a family with her own brother but then abandoned both him and the puppies, was in conflict with the leader she'd heard spoken of so highly in days gone by. Shaking of her trails of thought, at least Naniko wasn't in the forefront of her son's story, and should be treated with that much regard.

Her son's mention of marijuana had caused a raucous laugh to escape from Ghita, loud enough to wake the children but thankfully letting them sleep on. Even though Savina frowned upon drugs since Cambria's experience with them, Ghita did not share the same views on drugs, and in fact had recovered from a bad addiction to one called DXM in her past. Not only had she been experiencing that particular drug, but she herself had done marijuana with a friend from Inferni, Anslem, who had since become a family friend even when her feelings were with Jazper at the time. If the pups hadn't made themselves known to the Marino family in due time, Ghita's hand in mateship just might have gone to the charming coyote-male, an exquisitely foreign and exciting thought. "And how did you feel after that?" She asked, the laughter finally dying down after a few moments. "Do you remember the man that Jazper took you to meet when you and Sophia were young? Anslem? I used to smoke with him from time to time." She hadn't heard from her friend in nearly a year, something that worried her when she had a moment to spare for him. But the name of a female that had graced Aro's lips brought the mother back to her reality, and she searched her brain for a face to put it to. "I don't think I've met her, but she's seemed to have made quite an impression. I trust you to have good taste - after all, you take after your father, and he had impeccable taste." She laughed, once more sharing the intimate teasing she could with her grown-up son.


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