Family Bonding
weeee SSWM: 405

Pripyat had gone to Cour des Miracles, and had discovered that the pack was rather close. Just on the other side of Halifax, which the boy had now explored to his heart's content. He was returning from his trip out that way and back to Phoenix Valley. The desire to wander was strong in him, but once he exercised his ability to wander, there was no doubt about his wish to return home. Even if he did not always want to sleep in the ranch, he didn’t want to sleep outside of Phoenix Valley. He didn't want to be further than he could hear Jefferson or Geneva call him if they needed or wanted something. He would always come back, but he would leave again. Come and go. They had come to accept them in the past few days, and peace had replaced the anxiety that had been gnawing at him none too long ago.

Even Jefferson's other children didn't both him so much, and Geneva's daughter too could be forgotten more easily if only he spent a little time outside the pack lands. A day would come when they didn’t bother him at all, but for now the best he could do was escape a little while. It was this he thought on, his half siblings (dead and alive) as he crossed back over into his home land. He was trying to shake them from his head when he smelled the girl's scent along the northern border. Gratefully she smelled of a pack outside the Valley, and it was this that finally pushed the images of the others out from his head. Having shifted back to his lupus state, his four legs quickly followed the trail and soon he was confronted with the sight of a child younger than himself.

Confused he approached, a slight fear creeping up. Who was she? Was she in trouble? Were children that young suppose to be traveling alone? Pripyat never had. He was over seven months now and only recently started venturing out. How old was this child? Four, maybe five months? Yet at so young an age maturity gaps were larger, for pups grew at alarming rates the three or so months between Pripyat and the stranger were obvious and glaring. Yet he was not awkward when he approached her, only curious and kind, his vivid blue eyes questioning. "Hey there, who are you? Are you lost?"


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