Nothing's going to touch you in these Golden Years

SoSuWriMo 254

Sparring was one thing. Sure there was some level of violence inherently involved in the activity, but it was not as if it held the attitude and anxiety of a real fight. Haven had come to anticipate and enjoy his sparring matches with Anann. Real fights though were not something that the Aatte could say he enjoyed. Sometimes there was no avoiding them, like when that male had come and tried to force himself on Princess and would not back down. Haven still remembered watching the light go out of the wolf's eyes as his spirit left his body. What would Alder think of him if he knew his brother had taken a life? Honestly, Haven didn't want to find out, and planned to keep that truth from his brother for as long as he could. "Good, cause fighting isn't good unless you have no other choice."

To see the boy's excitement about being able to take his little treasure home with him (well, it wasn't that little) was a gift in and of itself to Haven. He was glad that Alder had found something that he wished to keep with him. If nothing else it meant that their trip today had been a success. "Of course!" Haven piped at his brother's request. It would be hard, if not impossible, for him to carry the helmet. The Cours Knight had expected that he would be toting the thing around, but that was perfectly fine with him. In fact, he was happy to do it.

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