Jet Black, So Cool
506 words. Sorry this took so long! <3

Bangle liked this bunch of coyotes up in Inferni, he had concluded. For the past few days he wandered near it, ever since his encountered with that fun-loving, pot-smoking Sage woman. Were all coyotes like this up here? It was colder in temperature, that much he knew, from being up much higher than he had been used to lately, but it seemed like every coyote from east to west lived here. For a few brief moments, Bangle wondered why he hadn't joined this wild bunch, but then thoughts of white fur clouded his mind, reminding him of where he belonged.

The coywolf's pleasant thoughts were muted by the clinking sounds of his wares and his jewelry, as he decided to move about the pack's borders once more. It felt heavier, possibly because of new things he found, or even traded with some odd faces here and there. Bangle couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, kicking snow away from in front of him as he made his way through. He felt accomplished, that his skulls and bones, and other things actually had some more value here than it did anywhere else, it seemed. Then, as his orange-yellow eyes glanced over at a large pole with a wolf's skull skewered at the top, he knew why.

He male stood and watched it for a moment, covered partially with frost. Did these coyotes really despise wolves that much? Bangle wasn't sure, he was a bit of both. Despite this train of thought, he thought they were alright. His feet continued on their way, pushing forward into the snow that nearly reached his calves now. Bangle was glad it hadn't snowed that hard since he had left, but he wasn't sure what it would be like when he left the following day. The male simply let his feet do the walking, taking him wherever they felt like they wanted to go. Readjusting the pack on his back, several of Bangle's jars and bones rang together in a sweet harmony of trade.

It was nearly time, however, to find a place to rest for the time being, yet Bangle still meandered near Inferni's borders. Nothing remotely seemed interesting, as he stood and scanned the snowy grasslands, until his sights fell on something... unusual. It moved, indicating it was a stranger (or rather, he the stranger for being on the lands), but the colors on the moving form was.. strange. Too strange to pass up.

Bangle turned on his heel and made his way towards the coyote, and upon coming closer he noticed the female lavishly decorated with several colors not her own. His eyes sparkled with interest, his grin broad as always when he approached her, standing a few feet away. The male wasn't trying to sneak up on her, hell he couldn't even if he tried, with all that was on his body that very day. "So, lemme guess.. yer goin' huntin'?" He asked her in a sarcastic tone, ears twitching as they expected the sounds of laughter.

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