Something's Gotta Give

sswm 488

The boy remained completely disinterested in her. More or less how she initially felt for him in the topic of family ties. It was established that he was Jefferson’s son though, and the line that had earlier formed on her mouth grew somewhat wicked as she imagined the ugly wolf’s face when he was to find out that the same coyote that had hurt her precious little girl years ago had now chopped his little silver prince to bits. ”I see,” she cooed, the sweet nectar voice a vivid contrast to the false face that felt little need to pretend to have passive intentions. She wanted the boy to pay for being this close to the clan’s infamous borders, and for merely being of wolfen blood. His excuse was pathetic, but nevertheless likely to be the truth. The warrior princess cared little, for she was no border patrol intent on keeping the borders safe. Well, in a sense she did, but it was not her intention to let the boy get away this easily.

Then again, would it be worth to chase a little pup around just for the sake of it? Muzzle lifted arrogantly as she thought her motives over. ”Certainly not here..” the woman purred, letting her watchful eyes follow the wolf as he took several steps backwards. It was wise of the boy not to turn his back on her, for unfortunate things were quick to happen to those who stalked too close to coyote territory without a worry. Her lovely form turned around and stepped along the marked border that neither of them had chosen to cross. Ruby remained on the wolf, but she had decided against setting after him just because she could. A younger version of Halo would have done so immediately, but while she now remained a highly unpleasant being, she would not immediately seek violence. Perhaps she would, but thoughts of a blue eyed Russian had infested her thoughts, and she did not believe that he would have been pleased with knowing that she chased after mere children.

The clan member’s focus was torn from the boy, finally, as a voice sounded from afar. It was a woman’s; a stranger’s, but her approach had not been noted the least. They would be two now, and though she assumed it would not turn nasty just because she had become a minority, these were still the clan’s lands and her next move was conjured out of instinct. The metallic breath of the sword stole through the chilly air less than a second after, and ruby sought the approaching form of the woman as she made her way out from the underbrush. The wolf and the coyote had both been young when they had met, and she failed to recognize her instantly as the girl that had been saved from being eaten by her wild pets.

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