I want you to make me feel
WC: 410

She nodded quickly and he didn't say anything more on that subject. The russet male hoped she already knew and assumed she would be welcome here, but hearing such things from the Chief could help clarify. Better if there was no doubt if doubt could make her never visit them. He simply smiled at her as she thanked him. It did appear that she wanted to say something more, however no words came. Dawali trusted her, as he trusted all tribesmembers and his friends, to tell him in time if there ever was anything important to say. "Oh, Naniko is their leader? Well, I suppose there are quite a few known faces in that pack for me to visit, then," he smiled. He'd met Naniko, though only once, when she brought her daughter Brooklyn to visit Tayui. It had been a pleasant enough experience, and it was unlikely that he would have remember hadn't it been for the pup's presence. They made such strong and lingering impressions on the male, and he was not always as good at remembering his encounters otherwise. The more known faces in a pack, the more safe he felt approaching them. As of now it was only Inferni and Cercatori d'Arte where he did not know more than one face; and that would change, he was determined.

She seemed upset at his question, and he regretted momentarily that he had asked it. Still, she replied, and it appeared to Dawali that this change of scenery that Tayui was seeking was perhaps hurting her more than she might gain. Still, she would be closer to parts of her family which she had not lived close by for some time. Perhaps it was what she needed, but looking at her, the Chief had his doubts. "You get used to seeing the same faces every day, I suppose. He's a grown wolf now, and I'm sure he can come to realize that now that he takes care of himself, you must too," he offered, hoping it might console her somewhat. It was some time since the Aston kids were old enough to care for themselves, but living still with your parents could give the wrong impression of the world. If families were to follow the pattern in this place, pups or parents would separate and change packs as soon as the pups were grown. It was not like AniWaya, but then again little was here, he had found.


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