A familiar face, a familiar place
I apologize for how short my responses seem, but I only have a few minutes now and then to check the board until I get home Sunday, so I'm trying to keep this rolling for us.

Phasma had already figured that a wolf claiming to have been a member would know that things would be looked in to, even if she did recognize his scent. Safety precautions, they were, and she was rather hoping someone wouldn't be stupid enough to falsely claim they'd been a member of a pack before. Such stupidity was rare now, which was a good things, but she wouldn't doubt for a second that there were still some lurking. "It is a lot to take in, I suppose, so it sounds like you've been gone for a good while." How long had Phoenix been Alpha now? I'd been quite a few months, she was sure of that, but Phasma hadn't heard the news until she'd come to visit that day when the pups had been born. It was after that when Phoenix had accepted the position, she was unsure of the timespan of things.

Listening quietly, Phasma fed his words into her brain to remember them for later. Being exiled was no laughing matter and the raven woman was unsure how to react to such things. If someone was exiled then it was surely for a good reason, she'd met Gibraltar before, and he'd been levelheaded enough. Moreso, Phasma had her own experiences with exiling, having had to exile her own adopted child from Syemv. It was an extreme measure to take, exiling one from a pack, and she doubted that such a decision was easy to make. From his words, though, she knew that he felt justified in what he had done that day. Lucifer had been the same way, really, as they were words from his mouth and not his victims. When it all came down to it though, Lucifer had raped a girl, one that she'd watched grow, and there was no changing that.

"It isn't very often that someone is exiled from a place, this is only the second time I've heard of such a thing." There was doubt in her voice now, after hearing of what had transpired. It was never wise to take the word from one who felt that they were wronged, often it could become twisted. Phasma had dealt with Inferni before, she'd seen the horror and pain they could bring, but despite that she simply couldn't allow things to stand as they were. She would go and investigate, there was no doubt that someone there would remember Skoll and what had happened that day. "No need to apologize, people often arrive shifted, it really isn't anything to be sorry for. Would you like me to call someone here for you? If you came to see friends, that is?"


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