Settling in

No problem! (256)

Claudius reached out to receive the twine once Nian finished. He sent it beside him to his right and then leaned on his palms, keeping his arms straight, so that he could see what Nian was doing. He tilted his head and frowned, concentrating, when Nian explained where the door would go. Okay, so an empty space meant no building, check! Claudius understood that much. He walked forward a bit on his hands, peering over the ledge again awaiting further instruction. He watched Nian grab the rest of the branches and make a second wall. Claudius pushed himself from his knees onto his feet. He grabbed the twine and then jumped off the back of the ledge and came around to the side in time to hear the rest of Nian’s instructions. Claudius again stepped aside as Nian finished dragging the branches to the other side of the half-completed wall and explained their next steps.

“Okay,” Claudius agreed. He moved over to where Nian had the branches and examined the remaining few. He grabbed a couple and held them up, considering how he would tie them. In his right hand, he held a branch and the twine, and in his left, only a branch. He turned to Nian to ask: “do we want to tie them first and then make a wall? Or do we want to line them up and then tie them?” He wasn’t sure how Nian wanted to proceed, so he figured it would be better to ask him than to begin immediately.


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