A familiar face, a familiar place
OOC: Take your time, you don't need to get on this immediately. I'll try to keep my replies to a reasonable length.

IC: Skoll wasn't certain of just how she had taken his version of what had happened. Her tone had changed a little, but she hadn't immediately rebuked him or sent him off, so he supposed that it was a good thing. Besides, if he had heard of someone else hurting children, he'd be leery of them, and cast doubt on their words. He regretted what had happened, but he didn't think he'd had a choice. The two adolescents had been out there to kill him. He couldn't hold back for long against four adversaries, but he had tried, hadn't he? He wouldn't have hurt the two youngest had they left the fight when he told them to...in the end it was his life against theirs, and he wasn't about to die just because the coyote queen's spawn felt they had the right to kill him and the right not to get hurt in return. They chose to participate, their siblings chose to let them(or knew that they couldn't deter them), and Skoll had done what was necessary to leave alive. He would need to keep reminding himself of that, as long as there was doubt in the hearts of others. Still, it stirred up a well of emotion and resentment each time it came up, or each time he had to explain it.

"After everything you've told me, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak with Phoenix, provided he isn't busy. I would offer any help I could in retrieving his daughter, if I can be of any help at all. I thank you for your courtesy to me, also. After arriving as I have, and knowing the conditions of my exile, many would have turned me away already." He didn't know her, but he could already tell that she was less hot-headed than Gibraltar had been...he hadn't even waited for his Wahrer's side of the story before accepting the coyotes' words as truth. Gibraltar had helped stabilize Storm in a time of need, but he could not forgive that insult to his integrity...the fact that the alpha had a good name and people would put stock in his opinion only made life that much harder for the vagabond warrior, who would like to visit his old home without that old cloud hanging over his head.

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