Snow Prob
OOC: I know how to make a treehouse! Before we moved to the city, my dad and I built the most epic tree house ever. *puts a quarter in the epic jar*

Valinta nodded. A pulley system would have to work, because she couldn't really sleep on the floor. It would be possible, but... Not comfortable. Not really. Valinta shifted some of the wood in her arms. She had taken maybe one piece too many, and it was slightly blocking her vision. Thankfully, Shaw was too tall for her to not see, so she just followed him and hoped for the best.
Putting down the wood by her tree, Valinta looked up at Shawchert as he prepared trusses to support the base and the floor of the house. Hopefully, he'd be able to get the base, at least done, which was the hardest part for right now. Or at least the most time consuming. She could see that there were spots that some short stilts would be needed, to give the house something to rest on. Once the base was made, quite swiftly, Valinta grabbed a large board for Shawchert to start to nail in for the floor.
Her house was coming along well, it seemed. Hopefully it would stay strong and be comfortable. A nice place to live in, in her very own tree. Living with Margaret had never been like that. She had stayed with the woman all the time, and their house was set firmly on the ground. In it, too. There had been a basement.
But that was a long time ago. Valinta nearly flitted around the tree in her excitement to have a house, a place of her own to call home. It would be wonderful. Her newfound independence had her decided to climb into the tree and observe Shawchert work from a higher branch, and be ready to drop down to help him if he needed it.

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