Friends help you move [private]

Naniko welcomed Geneva into her home with such ease and trust, it seemed as though the white female had never left Nova Scotia in the first place. How strange it seemed to think that she had spent so much time apart from Naniko. The D’Angelo woman had almost always been a constant in her life here. First, she had been the center of her new stronghold and sanctuary while escaping from the pain of her old life, as the Commander of Crimson Dreams. Then after Geneva had departed the ranks of the Crimson Dreams pack, Naniko’s friendship had followed her. Despite the fact that the white wolfess had been absent from Geneva’s life for quite some time, she still could not imagine her life without her white furred friend. They had missed much of each other’s lives within the last half year, but now they had all the time in the world to make up for it, and Geneva intended to make the most of what they had been given. It was truly a gift to have Naniko back in her life.

The lime eyed wolfess kept her eyes peeled, absorbing everything that Naniko had to point out to her. It was nothing less than shocking to see Naniko and Selene’s ingenuity at work. Never in her life had Geneva imagined that it would be possible to house an entire pack comfortably below the ground. She understood the merits of going to ground in order to hideout, but only temporarily. The permanent residence that Naniko and her pack had concocted was nothing short of unexpected and mindboggling. Truly, Anathema would be one of the best guarded packs; this network of tunnels was a veritable fortress against any who would seek to destroy those who resided within these catacombs.

Her thoughts returned to Jefferson, his scarred visage swimming within her vision as her eyes adjusted to the low light setting of Naniko’s home. ”He has been a good father, once I gave him the chance to be one,” Geneva admitted ruefully. ”We became estranged after I was grievously injured. I fell many stories from the Quarry, and without Dawali Amara and Ember, I may have died. I don’t remember much, but I do know that I miscarried most of the litter that day.” This was not Geneva’s favorite memory to pull up, but it felt right disclosing this information to her best friend. She had not really had anyone to talk to about the intimate details. She had tried speaking about it with Jefferson, but they always ended up fighting, and she felt judged. With Naniko, she knew that she could express herself freely.

”Pripyat was born in June, but I avoided Jefferson and did not tell him about Pripyat for several weeks. Jefferson actually found Pripyat before I could tell him, and even then he did not believe that he was Pripyat’s father.” Geneva’s tone was bitter now. Although she still felt she had to prove herself to her mate, it still stung to recall his ire. She felt it now as though it were fresh. Geneva sighed, then finished this tangent, ”Jefferson has looked out for Pripyat, provided for him and protected him. He has been affectionate toward him and tried to build a relationship; that is all I could really ask of him.”

Things between Jefferson and Geneva were still in flux. They knew that they loved one another, but it would take time to rebuild trust. The dynamic of their relationship was still undefined at times. She felt that he held most of the power, although he probably felt the opposite way. She wanted so much to regain his approval. It felt childish at times to seek his attention and approval the way a lowly wolf might, but she felt compelled to act that way. Another shadow that hovered over their relationship was the way Jefferson refused to accept that she still loved her mate, Jordan, who had been dead these last two years. She did not understand why he would be jealous of him; he had been a constant fixture in her childhood, and she had loved him with all her might. But that did not change the fact that she loved Jefferson just as honestly and strongly as she had Jordan, if not more.

”I want you to meet Pripyat. And you will always, always be welcome in Phoenix Valley, if I have anything to say about it.” She remembered that Jefferson and Naniko had not gotten along very well; however, they were two of the most important creatures in her life, aside from her child, and she knew that they could put their differences aside for her sake. And as a subleader now, Geneva had authority to declare Naniko a friend of the pack. She could come and go as she pleased as far as Geneva was concerned.

”AniWaya and Phoenix Valley share an alliance,” Geneva informed the Angela of Anathema, giving her as much information as she could provide. ”Haku has fallen, and now a new alpha resides in his place. I am not certain who – I have not left Phoenix Valley very much since Pripyat was born. Just now am I venturing out, but I do hear things. Things with Inferni have been quiet as far as I know. There are many children in Crimson Dreams now, although I do not know who has given birth recently. And there have been at least two new packs, aside from your own, that have formed throughout the territory. As far as I know, they are peaceful, because I have not heard anything else from them – there is a pack of hybrids, and a pack of lovers of the arts.” Geneva was not a wealth of information, but she hoped that she was able to keep Naniko abreast of anything really important. She knew how crucial information could be to a pack leader, especially since Naniko had been gone for so long.

Geneva turned her lime green gaze all around Naniko’s private quarters. She had expected the underground network of caverns to be cold, but this place was actually quite homey. Aside from the bed, it was rather Spartan compared to what the gray scale lady was used to, but these surroundings suited her white furred friend well. Suddenly, she swung around and wrapped her arms around her best friend. She did not care that it was not proper decorum between two pack leaders. All that mattered to Geneva was that Naniko was alive and well, and here to stay. ”I am so happy that you are back!”


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