M - oh, we're so controversial


He was so sick of all their bullshit. He gave them warnings – always – but they never listened. He would issue his statement in the foolish hope that they might someday heed his well-spoken warning and leave. He would probably dislike wolves a little less if they actually listened to what he had to fucking say rather than just insulting him on his own clan’s borders. He didn’t understand how they couldn’t see the error of their ways: he was never in the wrong, for there was nothing wrong he could do. His words might be harsh, but it was to inform them of the gravity of the errors. It was also because he hated them. He saw it as a win-win situation, but clearly, he was the only one. Sometimes he felt like a fucking baby-sitter stalking up and down these borders. He always came across wolves like this one with their sly words, squinting eyes, and snake-like expressions. He did not like it at all.

He felt his hackles rise when she spoke again and replied with a simple snarl. Why the fuck was she wandering around claimed land and insulting them like she had every right to? She had no rights. This was Inferni and here, she would have to obey their rules. She had already broken them, so Hybrid did not see any reason to play nice. As she spoke again and moved closer, Hybrid lunged closer as well. He gave himself some room, but stalked closer as she continued to speak. He could hear her – oh, he heard every word and every time she said something, he wanted to rip it all out and make her eat it. Maybe he would carve the words onto her flesh afterwards, too.

Once the word ‘garbage’ left her maw, Hybrid moved to attack. Like always, he moved quickly and with a sense of lightness. He stalked closer and kept his neck scrunched in. He did not need to bare his fangs since they were in fact already bared, so all he had to do was shift his weight, turn, and lunge at her neck. He didn’t know how much fighting experience she had, so he put his weight into the attack, keeping himself grounded and ready in anticipation for a reaction.


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