fading colors [M]
Funfun! <3 WC: 589

She had been busying herself quite thoroughly with her work, enjoying creating something out of nothing right in front of her own yellow eyes. Her creation was not perfect, but it was an accurate replica of what she had seen, with her own serene sense of style mixed in. Sage's art could be said to be sketchy, whimsical, reminiscent of the times of impressionistic paintings and messy, but beautiful lines. Of course, her art was in the simple, monotonic greyscale that a pencil could create, accented only by slightly darker or lighter lines, to create some small sense of depth on the small piece of paper. She only wished the piece had some color; that would make it oh-so-much better.

The Lykoi girl was entranced by her own art, the high she felt only accenting and complimenting this wonderful sensation. Her mind tended very often to focus only on what was directly in front of her, especially when under the influence. It was no wonder, then, that she didn't notice as someone else approached. A single ear may have flicked in anticipation of the movement, the slight sounds that he made, but she paid no heed, and continued garnishing her simple drawing with marvelous flourishes, bringing the thing to life as she sat.

"That is really good." came the handsome, charming tone of a stranger who was very nearby.

It was his voice that made her finally pay attention. Only very barely startled, the tawny girl turned her head upward, so as to greet the face of the stranger without having to stand. She smiled upward approvingly, seeing the ruggedly attractive face, an ivory presence stained with colors of the earth, the bright green eyes and dreadlocked hair. Sage noticed the few strange, but similar tattoos on his body, but disregarded them, not knowing their meaning. He reminded Sage a bit of home, of Juniper Peace.

The man had complimented her art, and she had yet to respond. The girl put her pencil down and turned, scooting away slightly so as to be able to face him.

"Is it?" she asked, as if unsure if he was being truthful. "I only wish it had more color." she answered, her voice serene, eying his lovely fur once again, wondering vaguely if he might be able to assist.

"Do you do live subjects as well?" the man asked, clearly flirtatious, a slight grin on his face.

The girl's eyebrows raised gently, and she gave a sideways smile, nearly smirking. She felt a slight flush, excited by the proposition; why yes, she did. And if it was him, well...she certainly wouldn't mind. Bright yellow eyes traced his body, obviously sizing him up.

"That depends on how good of a model you are." she responded sarcastically, mouth formed into a grin and yellow eyes narrowed slightly, hinting at seduction.

Once again she looked him over, and even reached out a gentle hand to stroke his colored fur briefly in curiosity, hoping it was not too daring of an act.

"I love your fur." she complimented dreamily, returning his.

Sage had strangely forgotten about the remains of the joint resting in her other hand, and eagerly brought it to her lips, the paper quickly reigniting and crackling with that lovely sound once again. After exhaling a nice cloud, she held it out to the stranger, an eyebrow raised as she offered the substance.

"Care to smoke, hmm stranger?" the Lykoi girl asked, her voice calm and curious.


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