tidal wave gonna cover me
OOC; Sounds like a lot of fun. ;D
Also, sorry, you didn't give me any hint of what time it was.

Toklo wandered through the dense thicket endlessly, hopelessly, needlessly. There was a clear path right next to him, but he preffered to stay hidden; obscured from view of others by the brambles. Even though they scratched at his skin, they offered him a sense of comfort. It was daytime, and the sun was high in the sky, announcing his presence to everyone near. Toklo's blue eyes hurt from straining to look through the thick clump of branches and vines to the pathes to the side, to be sure of safety. Toklo was a big brute, and strong; not just unaccompanied size. Toklo's nose was sore and scratched up by the strong, sharp thorns of his sheild; the vines and bushes surrounding him, hiding him. Toklo sighed loudly in annoyance when he reached the end of the thicket, the end of his certain safety. If he left the bushes, he would have to constantly watch his back, relying on scent and sight. His ears were next to useless around here. The ocean blocked out most every other sound for miles. Toklo ground his teeth together, less carefree to make noise around the ocean. Toklo sighed and poked his head out between two gnarled, toothy vines. He looked both ways before tentatively stepping out of the mess of greenery. Toklo checked both ways again before walking slowly towards the ocean, where he felt semi-safe. The water soothed him, and he could watch for attackers aptly in the open.

He sprinted for the ocean, there was no looking back after this. If someone got him, they got him now. Toklo reached the edge of the water, his breathing hardly affected by the quick-paced sprint. Adrenaline. That's what he felt. Toklo looked around him, checking for followers. Nobody. Toklo commenced to look around him. He squinted his eyes at a figure in the distance. His eyes widened. He thought he was the only one that came here. Another wolf. Toklo bit his tongue and skirted back to the protection of trees and bushes. He followed the edge of the trees closer to the wolf, unsure if they had seen him as he had seen them. Toklo would find out sooner or later. Toklo's blue eyes couldn't see for sure the size of the wolf, thus, couldn't tell if it was a male or a female. Faes tended to be more...docile, so he hoped it was a lady he was looking at. He stepped out from his cover and into the open, and started walking openly towards the figure, certain they would see him now.

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