A Visit
WC 703

Her eyelids nearly disappeared as her golden eyes became wide marbles in her head as Mars expressed his interested in coming to see her pack lands. It was almost like she was trying to fly away with all the flapping and twitching of her ears as her countenance reflected her delight. Her friend was interested in visiting her new homelands! What a terrific night this had just become. “You really want to?” Though she asked, she was not really questioning him, rather than repeating it out of surprise. “Then let's go!” She threw her arms into the air in celebration and giggled, and was just about to make a little motion and point to the best path that exited Cour des Miracles in the direction of Cercatori when Mars said something more.

So, he needed to get some things? Then he wasn't just joking when he said 'maybe I'll like it enough to stay'. Orin grinned and gave an affirmative nod. “Okay then, let's go get your stuff and we'll be off. It's not the worst trek out there – there is a pretty good path cut almost straight through. I can get back and forth between the lands in just a few hours,” never mind the fact that Orin was as quick as lightening when she was in her Lupus form, her preferred mode of travel. Although she was pretty fast on two feet, too, she tended to be more clutzy.

She made a little gesture indicating that Mars should lead the way back to his house, and prepared to take up stride alongside the man in the night. “You'll really like this place, I just know it. Ooh, so far I haven't found any great costume shops like we did that one day, but there is a man who trades interesting wares that you might find useful in your sewing.” She made a mental note to remember to introduce the Russian to the coy-wolf trader that lived just across the dirt patch from her.

She seemed thoughtful for a time, her electric demeanor calming as her mind roiled with thoughts. What would she show Mars first? Well, that would probably have to be Thornbury, since that was the most likely place they would find Shawchert or Skye and request permission for his visit – or admittance – in Cercatori. And then her bookstore had to be next. She wasn't even half way done with sorting through the old books but she was certain there would be something there that Mars would like (then again, she was certain there was a book in the world for everybody). Maybe they could have another bonfire and Mars could meet more members of the pack, and they could dance together and celebrate under the stars as Orin so loved to do! Her eyes flicked back to Mars, her smile reflected in them.

And then he mentioned something about helping her with the play. Orin remembered talking to Mars before about a similar idea, and was elated to have the man's help. “That would be amazing! Especially since you know so much more about costumes than anyone else I know. I'm still not sure what play I'd like to do... there are so many great classics out there. Something dramatic? Something funny? Something inspiring? Maybe I can find something that covers it all.” She made flourishing hand motions as she spoke. “What do you think?

“Oh! Why didn't I think of that?” Of course Orin had tried her hand at writing. It was what she did. But for some reason it hadn't occurred to her to try to perform a script that she wrote herself. But still the same questions toiled in her mind. What would it be about? “Maybe it could be some great fantasy! Or adventure! Maybe I can do something based off of my old life in Florida. But, I wouldn't want to have it be exactly that, that's a little too scary. Maybe something more symbolic...” Her voice trailed off and her eyes turned to the walkway ahead of them as she submerged deep into her imagination, wracking her brain for a good story.

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