M. you belong to me, my snow white queen. [p]
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SSWM: 456.

Fiachra laughed softly. Before the daydreaming, she had been sleeping.. a rare occurrence indeed. "No, I'm afraid that I don't often sleep well either," she replied, her voice thoughtful. There had been a time that sleep had come easily to her. Before they had taken her, before she had become what she now was. Now, things were different. Her sleep was plagued with nightmares, dark things that she could not bear to tell Naniko of. No, her snow white queen was the only pleasant break in the nightmares; daydreaming of her was the only breath of fresh air allowed to the young girl these days.

To the second comment, she shrugged slightly, nodding her head in unsure agreement. "I'm not the same as I was when I left my old home," she said in an almost-whisper. "But I will heed your advice. Perhaps I started there for a good reason after all." After all, it had never been being there that was so bad. It wasn't, truly. But it was boring, it was restless. And she was a princess there, a princess who was spoilt, who knew nothing of the world and, really, nothing of herself either. She would be welcomed back, should she ever wish to go, but she did not wish any such thing. She wished only to stay here, infinitely.. perhaps with her snow white queen.

She drank as an echo of Naniko the first time, waiting to see the woman's reaction before sipping her own. The sweet burn of honey and liquor soothed her senses, and it was scarcely any time at all before Fiachra could feel herself loosening up, breathing easier. "Yes, the Golden Fairy indeed," she breathed, her words a bit more casual now. "I much prefer it to its green counterpart. It's sweeter." Perhaps she ought not drink this in the presence of her queen, for she might slip and do something wrong, but the thought was too little, too late. She was already here, and already relaxed enough to dismiss the thought as foolishness. Her eyes and her mind both fixated on the white lady in front of her, and she smiled a bit broader now. What a lovely night this was panning out to be.

Poison? Before she could stop herself, she was asking the question. "Why are they tipped with poison? Do you often need such measures?" She usually could have kicked herself for speaking so hastily, but she was just relaxed enough to figure that Naniko might get sick of being treated like the queen she was.. much as Fiachra had grown tired of being treated only as a princess. Still, she added softly, "It's no business of mine, if you don't wish to tell."


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