within my bones this resonates

Flurries had started to fall from the sky. Faolin looked up at the dark grey clouds above them. Each snowflake came down and as soon as it had touched her pelt, it disappeared and melted into water, dampening her red fur. She looked to Gabriel as his voice touched her ears, and plodded along after him until they had come to a stop. Faol and Gabriel had talked briefly this morning, about a hunt, a couple days ago she had mentioned it. Their food supply would be low, but they could not become weak with so many mouths to feed.

She sighed, and shook her head. Red eyes blinked away the frost that had tried to form across her eyelashes. Being the smaller of the group her blood less tainted by other species, she took on the size of a coyote. "I can scare, I'm not cut out for hunting, especially with all the bucks the way they are."


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