Under my skin.
1004 words, I rambled! And I think for the sake of time, we could say a few hours passed to soak the leather @_@; It's anywhere from 2 to 12 hours usually.

Bangle merely shrugged his red and gray shoulders at the male with pure white fur. The traveler wasn't about to change his ways. Having extra fur was wonderful, it kept him warmer than his regular old coat would have. This was what it must have felt like to be a bear. "Point bein', ya alter what ya got because y' want to. Yeh love dyes, I love extra fur. Forget what anyone tells ya 'bout bein' natural." He grinned at the pack's founding craftsman, idly spinning his worn knife about in his fingers before holding it steady again. His wide, chocolate and cream ears twitched atop their sea of dreadlocks, noticing that this was yet another pack member with white fur. What was up with that? The coywolf was beginning to wonder exactly how many of the snow camouflaged artists were around.

Bright orange and yellow eyes were beginning to express interest in this other male's background. Where could he have come from that housed an entire pack of craftsman? Certainly no one in his old pack really expressed any need to be creative with their crafts. There were warriors, scouts, hunters, and those who made things to live off of. And really nothing else. Perhaps that was why Bangle got so bored with them and played games all the time, despite what his brothers or even his mother had to say. "T'be honest with ya, I taught mehself everythin'," he told the other, glancing down at the buck. "S'pose it'd make more sense if yeh grew up with all that." There was a hint of sadness in his loose and carefree voice, but Bangle just shook it off.

Then what the traveling salesman saw was Ouija pulling out a knife, which looked similar to Bangle's own tools, except the marksmanship was much more precise. He leaned over to it with interest, wishing he could almost touch the perfect piece. Bangle wondered how often it was used, and if it was used nearly all the time, this white craftsman must have been careful with everything he did with it. It was clear on Bangle's face that he was impressed, before sitting upright again. "Quite a beauty ya got there," he admitted to the dyed male.

After Bangle had cut open the buck and exposed all of its bloodied organs, he gave Ouija a side glance and could nearly see his mouth water through the look in his eyes. Bangle smiled, and the least he could do was offer him the choice piece. "Heart's all yers, friend," he said, offering up the piece that seemed to be the most favored wherever he went, so Bangle assumed. Setting the knife down at the side, Bangle leaned over to the small tent he made for himself and pulled out sharp sticks, to skewer some organs with. He offered the other craftsman one, though he figured he might not even take it. In his other hand he brought out another flat, wooden plate of sorts, setting in down between them. The traveler was simply used to having to cook his meat now, for one the fire kept him warm, and kept other predators at bay. Second, cooked meat attracted less animals (if that could even be said) than meat from a fresh, bloody carcass.

Standing up, the coywolf pulled his fire making tools from a pouch at his side. With wood and tinder already set up before them before Bangle had even started to hunt, he squatted and knocked the piece of flint with the iron pyrite. Sparks flew at first, then died. The second attempt was much more useful, as it instantly kissed the tinder and began to burn bright and hot almost immediately. Pushing himself off the ground again and up on two feet, he strode over to the side of his small tent and pulled out a large, wooden basin full of water just as Ouija spoke again.

As he emerged, grinning, Bangle set the water down near the fire, but not too close, and sat back down next to the other, gently pulling the buck's organs out and setting them on the plate. It was like a buffet, and one could pick whatever they desired from it. When everything from the buck was removed, and the eyes gouged to be added along to the smorgasbord of organ delights. "Be mah guest," he said, spreading a hand wide to the plate between them, as Bangle got up once again with the now empty deer hide. Having cut away the antlers and placing them aside for later, the coywolf stared at the bloody, greasy skin. It looked completely helpless now, and in fact looked like a different animal entirely. Getting down on his knees with the skin near the water basin, he began to wash it free of any other remnants that could possibly get in the way of the soaking process.

The once clean water turned a pinkish red with the buck's blood, and pieces of fat and tissue floated near the top. Pulling the hide out again, soaked but cleaner looking, the coywolf tipped the soiled water into the grass before him. The skin rested on his thighs for a moment as the traveler pulled out a canteen, also filled with water, and refilled the basin. Picking up the hide once again, he laid it out into the water, finding some rocks nearby to hold it down and get every inch of it covered.

Now the waiting began, and he had hoped he answered Ouija's question of how to work the skin. This was Bangle's method, anyways, and he was sure the other male had a different way to go about it. But the work was done, and, as the coywolf sat down again, wagging his tail happily as he picked some bloody buck pieces up and onto his skewer, he looked at the other. "So, why Cercatori?" Bangle asked, attempting to make small talk while they feasted, and while the skin nearby soaked.

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