Shadow Girl
OOC- There soo gonna win the superlative next year! Re-witten, my post was crappy XD.

Valinta didn't seem to mind the moving of their position so he carried on. A dancer, that makes sense! J'adore thought to himself. ’neither do I, but I can write like Shakespeare' J'adore joked along. Vee leant her head back against his chest, her hair just beneath his own chin. J'adore set his snout on top of her head and closed his eyes. She whispered his name and his stomach tingled, he liked the way she said it.

He sighed and asked 'What now? What do you want to do? I can tell you about my pack if you like. And I wanna know about yours'. He was intrested in Cercatori. He was a writer so maybe he should have gone there. But he chose AniWaya because of the Spirit Guide. He would very much like to have someone with him, for guidance. Actually he was pretty sure Valinta would like that too. He tightened his grip slightly on Vee, hugging her. She was a very pretty wolf, and her accent was beautiful, Russian he supposed.

He had spent time in Russia, he thought it was a beautiful place. Since the humans died out, some of the buildings had fallen to ruin. But Luperci builders from all over the world were restoring them. The cathedrals in Spain were know through out Europe for their awesome feel.

Ah, the homeland. How J'adore missed his home. Although he had no intention of leaving, he still aloud himself to wish. 'Are you from Russia?' he asked voicing his ponder. 'I spent some time there'.

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