Let it creep in.

[ooc] -- i thought you'd be there.

holding daisies, counting stars. -- [bic]

Cercelee still eyed the other one wearily, but the older female seemed to relax in her persistence, unable to drop the subject of the Sadiras. No, one could not pick their family, true enough. Yet just because she had sprang from the lions of a child of the original Sadira did not make her one of them. Her father had not carried the title, nor had it given it onto her or her brothers. They had been her family, and a tight one at that. Adrastos, Lyla and their three children, but they weren’t around anymore and that was the end of that story. Her voice was still calm, convincing, because really she was not lying, she barely ever lied. Cercelee simply spoke what she believed to be true, and when she didn’t feel like sharing something she knew to be true, Cer left that out of the conversation, and so in this way, along with her excellent control of her own body language, she could have been one of the greatest liars around. When she spoke though, she spoke what she had convinced herself of. I’m sorry, but still, I have no family.

Seating herself now, that the other female had laid down against the log that had served as a perch only moment before, she stood fixed on the female. There was still the possibility that the wolf would spring at her, Cercelee’s body was still ready for that, but her mind was engaged in this senseless argument. Cer’s words and actions might be mask anything she wished to be hidden or convince others of anything that was not true, but she could not shed the pelt that clung to her skeletal structure, could not exchange the navy eyes for another pair. The year old female knew exactly who she looked like, she had been told often enough, but why couldn’t any of them believe that there were others out there who were not of that clan? Even if she had the eyes.

Cercelee listened as the female rattled off a list of names, most of which she hadn’t a clue who they were. A few names did pop out, however, that of her father’s, one she knew to be her brother’s name but must have been the uncle he was named after, and Mew’s. So she was related to that female she had just granted a home to, eh? Well, Cercelee had wondered at the time, and now it was confirmed, probably a cousin from the way this female spoke. Knowing that the other would be not be satisfied until she gave her a name, Cercelee shrugged, and almost tonelessly spoke. I know almost none of those of whom you speak, however, Adrastos I knew once, but not anymore. My name is Cercelee. Was that enough for her? Cercelee looked at the other, and while she had assumed as much, she knew it was true now. Before the female before her might have been an enemy of the family from the way she acted. However, Cer knew, she was one of them. Lisi, that had given it away. That had been her brother’s full name, but she knew from Laruku that for the wolf it had originally graced it was just a nickname, the real name had been longer, more syllables on the tongue. Unless this female had been close to the family, she would have used such an informal title. And so who are you then?


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