[M] - I was prepared to take it all

<3 Sorry for the wait ;_; 300+

Her intoxicated skies had functioned as encouragement for the boy for some time now, though his hormones would soon built up a instinctual courage to let him continue on his own, with or without her cooperation. While his mind was virginal in its processing, his body had realized the chemical signals that had existed for some while now. It sought pleasure; sought redemption for the urges it felt, and Itachi was only happy to oblige, knowing that he was moving in the right way now, blissfully aware that this would be considered sinful by most, especially as he possessed the knowledge that the heated blood coursing through both entities had been granted by the same source. Perhaps instinct knew that this was wrong, but the boy was not organized enough to pay heed to the subtle reminders that were given to him on this matter. There was too much going on for him to pay attention to everything. It was just natural for him to focus on the carnal hunger alone and leave borderline subjects be.

She willingly let her back settle against the worn wooden floor, and he watched her, revelled in the princess’ beauty as she lay there, watching him with her lovely cerulean hues. Her question did not interrupt his march. His muzzle sank to her form to linger close above her lovely neck.”Yes,” he whispered into the pixie’s ear, smile forever present though there was solemn urgency anchored within the blushing sunsets. It was beyond clear that the boy wanted this girl, in form of greedy hands, starving gaze and a stiffness building up within his loins. The one word sentence was repeated as she asked a question that he otherwise would have been answer to give a similar answer to in any state but this she had brought on him today. ”Yes.” He loved the hues of blue, the elegant dance of silver and blushing auburn contrasting his pale golden features. Was there anything not to love here?

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