Let it creep in.
She watched the female before her, both trying to read one another and yet getting nowhere fast. They were both some peice of work, though she wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing or not. Denying having a family in one way or another, the younger girl's ways more plain and blunt, while her's were a little bit more covered up. Iskata didn't deny the fact that she had family, she just didn't have any at the moment, nor was she sure if she'd be collecting any members anytime soon. Well, then that makes two of us. she said after the firm reply about family.

They seemed to go back to the staring contest, sizing eachother up and trying to determine just who they were, what they were here for, and what would really come to pass. In the end Iskata grew bored of the seeming relaxed pose yet the darting studying eyes and looked away as the youth began to speak again. Her ears flickered forward as she mentioned one name that seemed to stir some sweep of emotion deep inside. Turning quickly back she almost lost her cool as she quickly sized up the female again. It couldn't be, she thought. So long ago and she'd believed this whole time her brother had gone for good. Hadn't Laruku said once before she'd returned that he'd came back briefly though.. Could it be true. The words the girl spoke made it seem likely and yet unlikely as well. She wondered just why she denied every connection to them all.. but then again she couldn't blame her, look how her own aunt was acting to her here and now. Adras.. she just sighed and let it go, it was too painful to even attempt to believe that maybe, just maybe they'd come back. She wasn't even sure why she hung around.

She smiled sadly at the female and shrugged at the last question. You knew Adras.. and yet you can't figure out who I am? She could hardly believe that her brother wouldn't even mention his old puppyhood and past life with the child, but then again she herself had changed so much. Shaking her head she gave up the ghost and just revealed what the slight lady wanted to know. Alright Cercelee it is then, I'm Iskata.. She didn't have to give up her last name, it was written all over her, the lineage atleast.

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