what're you made of

Great! Welcome to Cercatori d'Arte! I'll accept you and get you titled up, and you can start posting In Character, and we can continue this thread if you'd like. :3

Skye smiled a bit as the man spoke Italian. Naming the pack in Italian was Shawchert's idea, so she didn't know much of it, but she had learned a little from reading the books in the library on it. It seemed that it would be a good idea to learn the language your pack was named in. And from the way the man spoke and the gleam in his eye as well as the words, Skye knew that he had told her that he knew; and he had also called her a 'pretty young thing'. She thought she remembered that line from somewhere, like a song or something that she'd read, but she couldn't be sure.

This man, she decided, was very suave and smooth, and handsome to boot. Skye herself was usually considered pretty by others, but she never flaunted the fact, and liked to wear clothes or loose clothing just because it was more comfortable for her. But this man was handsome - and he knew it. The suit that he wore complimented his slender figure greatly, and the way that he held his body suggested that he thought himself rather important. But he wasn't so arrogant that he held himself in a position of dominance; he held his tail and his ears at a relaxed level, giving respect to the co-leader.

The skills that he posed were excellent ones that were useful to the pack; she had guessed that this well-dressed man would be able to read, but none of the members of the pack could speak different languages, and precious few knew how to sew. Her eyes gleamed with understanding that this would be a perfect addition to the pack, and a handsome one at that.

She nodded at the two helpers, as Spenser described them, and the brown man's eyes showed cool politeness and interest. "That won't be a problem at all," she said, giving a friendly look to the person that he said would be staying. She then paid attention as Spenser asked where he would be staying. She gave him another once-over, took in his business attire, and then, without hesitating, spoke;

"Members are allowed to stay wherever they want," she said, "but I imagine you'd like a more civilized abode?" Her eyes glittered, her tone slightly teasing. "We have a town, Thornbury, with many sturdy houses that would suit you and your helper well. I also live in one of these houses, right next to the garden."

Her voice warmed as the man asked about where she lived and if she could visit, and her thoughts couldn't help but flitting quickly to Bangle. The coywolf and her weren't a couple, but there were very suggestive things between them - the dance in the lake, for instance, and that warm, strange feeling that had overcome her then. But now wasn't the time for romantic tangles, and Skye was free to flirt with anyone she liked, for now.

"There is just one more thing," the creamy-white girl said. "What rank would you like to hold? There are many art ranks, such as Artist and Craftsman, but there is also a General Member rank for those who have no specific art skill."

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