To stand upon a riverbank

WC: 356 OOC: I <3 <3 it alllll Tongue

She’d been sitting by the window, watching the snow falling. It was nice and warm in here, though she didn’t mind being out in the cold, she just liked it here. It was a quiet day for her, though she did want to leave and explore all over again, she knew she had to stay near Jazper to make sure nothing happened, an infection or anything like that would be very bad especially with the cut so close to his lungs and heart. She gave the man his room though, she went in every few hours to check on him, and changed the bandage twice a day, it was hard work, but that’s why she was a healer, she loved it, saving lives and she was making sure Jazper kept his and had a full recovery so that he could be with his own children as soon as possible.

She watched the little flakes fall down by the window and become one with the rest of the snow, it all blended in as it touched its counterparts. The snow had always fascinated her, especially when she was able to look at the flakes from a flat surface, before they melted they had a specific shape and each one always was different, it was amazing. As it was growing dark she was not able to see much outside, she herself was getting ready to lay down when she heard a light tap on the door, and then the ever familiar voice she could never mistake as any other.

" Sono qui la mamma è entrata"

She spoke, the language her mother had taught her rolled off her tongue so easily still, though she rarely used it since she left, so it was about time she started up again, the language was suppose to be used and she was taught it for a reason. Amata felt bad for not speaking it until now, but her whole attention was at the door where her mother stood, she stood up herself to open it but knew her mother would before she could get to it.

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