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A young girl that she did not recognise participated in the next couple of fights, and Matrix watched with interest. Surprisingly, the strange wolf's fighting style mimicked her own. She also watched closely as her mother took on a larger male--she had a feeling she would need to put Twilight's techniques to work this next round. Tanya had been a little smaller than her, so some amount of force had been sufficient to force the coyote out of the ring. By the looks of it, the same trick would not work again--the remaining competitors were all much larger than she was. Her heart dropped as her mother was restrained, but then she offered a whoop of encouragement as Twilight regained her footing. Once the elder Thirteen had won, her tail swung back and forth lightly in silent congratulations and awe. She would always respect her mother's skill... this was for certain. Sometimes she considered studying with Twilight further, but it seemed a little strange to abandon Inferni right now.

The next fight she also watched with rapt attention. Frankly, she wanted to see Skoll kick Xark's ass. What an arse, she kept cursing, over and over again in her mind. The hold on Xark's head and the subsequent slam even made her flinch somewhat, though--there was no possible way that didn't hurt. Ears pressed forward now... Xark could barely stand. Still, a series of blows assaulted the mixed-breed and he lost a tooth. She shook her head now--even for her, it seemed as though that would be enough to avenge the boy Xark had pummelled earlier on. Teeth never grew back, but other wounds would probably heal. Still, she wasn't going to question the bronze warrior's technique. A quick glance at her mother's solemn gaze reassured her further that this was justice, pure and simple. If you don't play by the rules, you are going to be reprimanded.
"Nah, you took care of the real asshole," she said simply--her own form of a congratulations. Off to the side, Twilight nodded to Skoll as well. "Thanks, though," she said with a grin before jogging into the ring's centre, where her opponent was already waiting. She had to admit that his superior size intimidated her somewhat, but she did her best to brush it off. On the surface, she showed nothing but nonchalance--her mother had taught her (well before she could shift to train for two-legged fighting, even) that showing weakness or insecurity was a self-fulfilling prophecy. The unfamiliar wolf waited for her to strike first, much as he had in his first match, but she only did circles around him for a brief while, waiting to see if he might take up the initiative to strike first.
Dizzied by her pacing, he eventually did. Matrix reversed direction, going from counter-clockwise to clockwise, and struck out with her foot as she did, offering a quick kick to his side before jumping back out of striking distance. Quickly he went after her, and he managed to throw a few punches--those to her face she blocked, those to her side she did not. She jumped a few more feet away before circling him again. Anticipating that he would anticipate her doing the same thing again, she kept going in her initial direction--but he had guessed that she wouldn't pull the same trick twice, and a leg shot out down low, aiming to knock her off of her feet so he could pin her down, much like Jauntus' sister. For an instant, Matrix moved so fluidly and expertly that there was no doubting who she was--she was Twilight's daughter. She was going to fall on her back at this rate, but with her other foot she did not attempt to slow down, but add to her momentum. Enough force was given to somersault through the air, landing lightly on her hands, which she used to push off the earth and complete the back flip.
Not waiting an instant for the shock of her manoeuvre to wear off, she charged forward now with lightning speed, took two quick jabs at his stomach, and once his hands lowered to protect himself, she spun and offered a quick kick to his head. He clutched it for an instant before realising that he would eventually need to take up the offensive, and he threw his full weight at Matrix, again aiming to bring her to the ground. He caught her around the waist and they both toppled to the ground, both struggling for control. Her mother might invest more into looking graceful, but she did not--she thrashed and flailed about wildly, her hands flying this way and that to slap him in the face, her hips and knees bucking as she beat against his weight. He managed to restrain one of her arms, but in a remarkable bout of flexibility that put the karma sutra to shame, she flung both knees against her shoulders, than kicked out against his chest with the added force of the recoil. His grasp on her arm faltered and she yanked it free, sprung up to her feet, then began a series of kicks to his side and head while he tried to regain balance. One powerful kick to the head was enough to send him down for good--and here she backed off. It seemed as though he had surrendered, and she flashed a winning smile to the crowd before meandering out of the ring.

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