A house to call a home.

WC: 323 OOC: Lookie here!

Shawchert grinned at Bangle’s joke and he knew that was all he was doing was joking, though he wasn’t sure if it was a true joke or not he would not ask or assume. He would just leave it as what it had been called out for, a joke.

Well then just give a few taps here then.

He pointed to where he wanted him to get the nail, which was right on the frame which was still standing sturdy, and that’s what mattered. He kept pointing where the nails needed to go, satisfied enough with Bangles work, whether or not he had to repeat anything, and soon they were finished with the side of the wall, at least most of it. Shawchert’s arms were sore and all he’d done was hold the boards up for Bangle, he knew the other man must be tired, so he sat motioning for the other to do the same.

Let’s take a little rest before we begin again, I know I’m not getting to old for this, but need a few more wolves to help out I think.

He gave a chuckle. Looking over at his only male friend so far. It was a bond that didn’t need speaking of, and to help out a fellow pack mate and friend was what Shawchert was made for. He knew that much. He was in his element here, seeing the work they did, looking at the new yet old wood on the wall and feeling a sense of pride. That should last past the winter.

So how about a little music while we rest?

He asked, finding his wooden flute in his satchel and started a nice tune, not something slow, that wasn’t what they were doing, no it was work music, something to get them going again in no time, and possibly hum to as they worked on the rest of what needed doing to the house.

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