unafraid to face any foe!


Seeing he boy with the sword in his little jaws had scared the warrior. He could have sliced his muzzle on it and no one would have been around to help him! If the Knight's ego wasn't damaged by now with the bandages clearly marking his latest injury Lorenzo's pushing and words hurt him more than ever. The little shoves caused Jazper to land sitting on the bed. “Hey hey hey now!” He scolded as he flopped onto his flank. The boys clear frustration showed on his little face and worried his father. What could a pup be so concerned about? Taking in the next words from Lorenzo's mouth Jazper was left in shock. It was his fault that his son was getting into trouble and trying to protect everyone with a sword that could do him more damage than help.

A frown appeared on his own face as he watched his son with guilt. He had tried to do the right thing, something he would have done for anyone being. Jumping at that bear was an action he would do over and over again, heck he would take more damage if it meant he got the chance to defend Savina again but he hadn't expected his boys to be so affected. The timber wolf colored pup was usually full of jokes and laughs but this situation was very far from his usual behavior. His son seemed to believe that he needed to be protected, that he was incapable of defended the family in this state, and the sad part was that he wasn't far off. Still, the protection of the pack, and of himself, was not somethin a pup should be worrying himself about.

Snatching his son away from the sword once more he sat the boy on his lap. “Now listen here Enzo.” He sternly spoke, demanding his son's attention. This was a conversation he wanted Lorenzo to know was very serious and important. There would be non of this putting himself in dangerous situations because he felt the need to protect adults. “You and I both know that the bear hurt me badly and I wont lie to you I'm not in the best condition but I can move around now. I am getting better.” He emphasized that he was getting better, reassuring the multihued boy. “It isn't your job to try and protect anyone. If someone is in trouble you help them by getting an adult. You're little right now and someday you'll be bigger than most of the adults and you can run around protecting anyone you want but right now your only job is to learn, have fun, and play with your brother and sister.” Amber eyes searched his son hopefully for some sign of giving up his current task. The last thing he wanted was for his boy to grow up thinking his father was incapable, “I am hurt because I was protecting my family Lorenzo. I am hurt but you're all okay. Everything will be fine.”

That's dangerous His voice returned to a softer concerned tone. With the injury it was hard to carry any extra weight around so he had left he sword behind but not in the safest of places...obviously.


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