Been living in a dream about you

My god, this is sooooo sappy

Oh it had been wonderful, living by Anann's side. Comparing it to back in Russia, or even at the old Russo house in Lunenburg, was about as futile as trying to fish without a line. He felt as though there was no reason to ever leave Anann; that was how right it felt to him. Granted, he never had anyone else in his life but why would he ever want to have anyone else? He was happy, and he was hoping all the time that she was happy and content with him in her life. He hoped she was happy with waking up early in the morning, knowing she would either be gazing at him in the soft morning light or she could feel him beside her, behind her. Anatoliy sure as hell was to wake up to her every morning, to be able to give a passing kiss now and then, to feel her in his arms. It was like some kind of addiction for him and he needed his fix of his drug. At some point, he would think it was a bit unhealthy how much he cared for her, but then he threw it away instantly, knowing he still had his wits about him. That was always important to the Russo; his wits. But now Anann was definitely a part of his life.

It was the morning of a day that the two of them had agreed to keep free for each other, planning to spend the entire time with one another, just enjoying the company one provided the other. And they needed it, quite a bit. Their relationship was alright, but it had been hard on Anann lately. Heath had left with his mate and children, and Anatoliy knew that the other man had been a very good friend to his woman. The departure had hurt her something fierce and she had pulled away from the Russo in the time she was mourning the man. He understood, even though he had been a bit jealous of the man, considering he had a friendship with her based on something he could not do. The Russo was no horse man nor could he truly take care of them or ride them well. But Heath, and Haven now that he thought about it, were the warriors and horsemen that Anatoliy was not. He was jealous of that aspect of them, but he did not hate them for it nor did he mistrust Anann. He knew she was fully his and he believed her. He was very trusting, especially to those who had earned it. And by the gods, had she earned it.

Anatoliy heard her voice calling him out of his deep sleep. He blinked up at her a little bit through narrowed golden eyes. He was still dizzy with sleep and he nodded at her, mumbling an "alright" with his accent muffling it on top of his sleepiness. He would be awake soon, but he wanted to curl up just a little bit for a little while. Their plan for the day had them heading far south and he needed the rest. Anatoliy had warned her, but she had the horses to take care of. He let her at it, considering one of them was pregnant with Rem's foal. How could he fault her for that? He heard her leave, drowsy as his senses were, and he rose himself. He hovered around their bed. Ah, their bed.. the words made him smile as he adjusted it, basically making the bed as best as he could.

Anann would not be gone long, but in the mean time, he took his fishing line and a couple of hooks. It was a bit hard to get worms at this time of year, considering how snowy and cold the land was. Most of the worms he had caught came before the frost, which meant they were dead in their pail of dirt. But that was not important. Fish loved a meal, no matter if it was a squiggly living worm or not. He went to the pond, finding a layer of ice on it. Frowning, he put down the line and wormed hooks. Shuffling around, Anatoliy located a large rock and hefted it from the ground, ignoring the snow and frozen earth on it. Rock in hand, he crouched by the pond and used it to break the ice, the noise loud and obnoxious as the ice splintered and cracked. Soon, he had a large, gaping hole with plenty of spidery cracks from the edges of it. Anatoliy set up the line and threw in the hook, hoping that the fish were lying dormant in the cold water. If anything, it would make them more lively for his next attempt.

Hands chilled by the ice and water, the Russo returned to the cabin, proceeding to sit on the bed he had just made. Reclining on the wall of the cabin, he smiled with eyes shut. It was so nice, this. There was nothing to worry about and they were happy. What more could he ask for?

She spoke and Anatoliy opened his eyes to look at her golden form in the doorway. He matched her grin with a goofy one of his own. "Vhy, yes I have," he answered her, rising from the bed to pull her into his arms and give her a quick kiss before he let go of her waist gingerly. Feeling her made him want more, but he knew they had other things to do today, to have some much needed innocent fun and to get her away from the pack lands. She needed distracting, and he would distract her plenty that day and night. "Ve're heading souzh. Down zhe coast. Zhere is somezhing I have heard about zhat you might like to see vith me." Taking her by the hand and pulling her out the cabin door, he pointed down south, even though they could not see nearly so far. "Somevone told me vonce, zhat zhere is a haunted castle. And I zhink, ve should go see just how haunted it is," he grinned mischievously at her, beckoning her to follow once he dropped her hand.

It was a hard, long run, long enough that he had suggested they use their much more hulking secui forms to do it. He was not a fan of it, but it beat walking for hours and hours. They got there in about half the time, since they ran for at least a quarter of the time, maybe more. But it was just about noon by the time they got to the castle. It loomed over head as the Russo came to a halt, panting a bit. A moment later and he was standing upright, well aware he had not donned his clothes and all he had on was his knife belt; it had been a tad loose on his other form, but he had managed. And who knew if he would need it in the castle? Sending golden eyes up at it, he shuddered. It was made of black stones and he knew that they were not local, or could not be. He had never seen such stone in the area. It just.. it just could not be a native variety. "Here it is..," said the Russo, turning to face Anann with a grin on his face.

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Table by Alli


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