high-performance grade.
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s304 ... d/rawr.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:160px; background-position:top center; background-color:#FEFEFE">

Whoops, wrong account. >>;

------So far as his duties to Inferni were concerned, he was to spy on the wolves in the budding packs nearby. So far as his duties to himself were concerned, he was to keep an eye on everybody. Then again, he did that naturally on his own--no request from a leader to pay attention to detail was needed. By his own (somewhat paranoid) initiative, Anselm was focused when it came to dissecting others' motives, lies, and actions. Perhaps everybody had a right to be careful in his presence--one shift of the eyes that seemed out of the place was noted with rapt attention, one falter in tone was carefully analysed, and even the slightest bit of hesitation was stored away in the archives of his mind for further contemplation. In this sense, though, Asphyxia was probably fine--rarely would he use this information against anybody. It was for himself. Indeed, others were mistaken if they thought that Anselm de le Poer was the conniving deviant set to bring them all to the ground. If nothing else, he was too self-centred for such a thing. He was simply the vigilant watchdog, more concerned with covering his own ass and leaving no room for weakness. Still, he didn't mind it when others were wary of him. It meant they were more likely to avoid him and leave him alone.
------She continued to move about, seemingly restless. He remained where he stood (he had not moved the entire time, except by rotating his head to watch her) and wondered if there was any reason for this antsy behaviour. Seeing none, he simply shrugged in a way that suggested "oh well." Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. "I guess I'll just keep an eye out, then. It seems that most coyotes and mostly coyote hybrids around here had some sort of tie with the clan at one point." Using this logic, it wouldn't take much to figure out who had gotten lost (or perhaps gone away out of their own accord). He did have to admit he found it slightly odd that so many had separated from the group before the fire--the devious coyotes always had been rumoured to have strict and unyielding loyalty to the clan, but mounting evidence was slowly suggesting otherwise. Perhaps there was something he didn't see--yet. He would keep an eye out for it, of course.


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