Fabric of the past

Hello Smile WC: 308

Axelle had roamed around Dans L’Obscurite before, but rarely this neck of the woods. The snow wasn’t that deep, which was a plus, and it was morning so she didn’t have to worry about what lurked in the dark. Not that she couldn’t see, but different creatures were active at different times of the day. She minded where she stepped, very aware that she could fall into an unseen hole or old hunting trap.

In the upcoming distance, she could see a moldy-looking shack. It looked to be older than when the humans died out. It was probably old when they were still here. The little hut had no windows, but Axelle could’ve sworn she saw movement through the stripped wood that made up the walls. This struck her attention and made her curiosity practically ring. Ding ding ding!

She prowled up to the opposite side of the door, and pressed an ear against the old wood. Yep, definitely movement. Not too mention the smell of another extremely close. Curiosity usually got the best of her, and often it led her into some crappy situations. This was probably going to be one of them since she took no precaution as she rounded the shack. She reached the other side and peered into the door. What she saw relieved her. It was another luperci like herself. Usually wolves in luperci form were a little more civil. Though, from experience she met one that wasn’t. He probably would’ve been more civil in wolf form. She quickly forgot that memory as soon as she noticed the other moving inside. She was examining something rather holey.


She hoped this greeting would go rather well. She didn’t need anything else to go wrong right now. Hopefully this wolf would not be edgy and be slightly surprised and greet her back. Yeah, right.

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