smile that way

wc: 3+
SoSuWriMo: 362

Of course the girl would accept her offer. China didn't even consider the alternative. She found herself utterly enthralled with the ivory damsel, so prim and pretty, so... Clean looking. Clean of mind, body and soul. It was delightfully refreshing, especially after spending the short time she already had int he company of her extended family. It wasn't the China disliked her kin - Oh not, not even, for the Lykoi princess loved them all dearly, each and every corrupt and vile imbecile, each and every murdering maniac and their mother. All she held in her heart was love for them. But trying to convert them to the way of peace and love was a very tiresome business, and it took it's toll on the free-seeking flowerchild. Strangely enough, the socialite missed her freedom, her solitude; The time she had spend rejuvenating, reconnecting with the earthmother, felt like a pleasant dream rather than a memory.

Shiloh, though, she was quite unlike the others. A whole new species of strange. China found that the mere company of the ivory beauty delighted her, for now at least; the silvery girl was, at heart, a fickle creature, prone to sudden bursts of boredom and a wavering attention span. At the current time, though, her entire attention was focused most intently on the other girl. Shiloh was obviously saddened that China had no news of her father, and for that, the sylphlike teenager was most sorry. She knew what it was to search for, and long for, a father.

The slender ivory hand fit delicately into her small tan-blushed one. China offered the girl a reassuring smile, and then turned to lead her further into the forest.

Holding the girl's hand innocently against her own bone-white splashed palm, the Lykoi girl wandered slowly, matching her pace to that of the ivory miss. Slanted eyes, full of a deviant but generally loving light, trailed over the path, occasionally flitting back to Shiloh. "So, tell me about your father first, hmm?" Her words were gently probing, but offered in such a sweet tone, none would be any the wiser. "Why did you think I might know of him?"

Speak think walk


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