A horse is a horse, of course, of course
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WC: 458 OOC: No worries it was fine Big Grin

Liliana didn’t mind the help but it seemed Nian was quite afraid of the horses, which was funny, a wolf being afraid of a horse, or two, they were harmless here, well… for the most part. An unhappy horse wouldn’t be a good companion especially when he was not happy with you.

Don’t worry, they don’t bite, and if they do it’s not hard, they have flat teeth, they may leave a mark but rarely do they break the skin.

She laughed, it was a little joke, horses didn’t really bite unless they were under severe stress and were in immediate danger, then normally tended to step on toes, which hurt very much, and also buck you off, or kick you but those were not going to happen in such close quarters, and she was being careful not to bring the young man to her most temprimental, though they were closing in on him. She fed Grace and checked her as well, nearly forgetting to answer Nian’s question.

Ah her name is Grace, for the grace she shows in everything.

Liliana smiled, she was not all that good in naming things, though she tended to name a horse after a quality or a marking. They went through the rest of the horses with the same routine, but in much faster sucession, though when it came to the stallion she was having trouble with, she had him stand clear of him. He did have a problem with males and the horse’s ears were pinned back and he neighed a few times. Liliana was use to all of this. He tried his “lead stallion” bit with her, and she won. She poured the feed in his food bin, and he went to eat, though trying to butt his head against Liliana in the process, probably because Nian was there. She stood her ground though and pushed his head away before doing her check on him, he had a small cut on his leg, but nothing that would bother him to much. Moving out they finished up the rest of the horses. She hoped that as he got further along that he could see the horses were rather nice and none but the one showed hostilities.

Well that’s it for my duties, would you like to help me get a couple to pasture, or are you feeling that would be too much for you?

She asked. She knew the first that were fed were done, and she did need to clean out their stalls so they were not walking in their own filth all day. This was a task she had to do several times a day, though it was the worst of the tasks, she still had to do it.


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