Joining - Leader needed please


Test test test.

The idea of Noah Sawtooth doing borders was quite foolish really. Think about to trust that a gimp wolf that has proven they wouldn’t hurt a flea to check for new members and to check that there was a clean and clear marking that the leaders had set down for the border lines. He was supposed to make sure to great the new member or any being that he found at the borders. He would much rather report to someone that there was someone or something there and let them take care of all the taking, but the silver male knew it would not be any fun for the joiner or any more efficient to have the way the pack member would have liked to have it. So the silver pack male looked upon the joiner, Noah kept him blind eye shut as he waited for him to say something, or make a move.

The vagabond seemed on edge about something, almost to the point of panic. Well that was two of them, Noah would not admit to the same feeling, even though he was feeling that. Watching the loner dipping his head, the silver male did just what came to him naturally and returned the dip of the head back to the darkened beast. He would and could respect him for being here and not just charging into the lands and demanding a rank with in the lands. It would be a first if that did happen but still manners are and where greatly welcomed here. After all the living creatures of these lands where very passive by nature and really Noah did not see this pack ever being into wars. Well unless someone was foolish enough to attacked one of the young pups.

”Oh?” The silver male spoke as he found him-self with in thought, trying to figure out what to do was running though the male’s mind trying to figure out what Adonia had done when he wanted to join the pack. ”Your skills?” The Sawtooth heir voice came out very soft spoken, he was not in any way in a rush to call upon the leaders to accept or reject this male. ”Take time…” Noah did not feel any rush to hurry the process, after all if Valley member rushed the male he might not have the time to think and say really want he wanted to get across to him. Noah gave a small smile as he lowered his rear down sitting in the blasted cold snow.

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