Shadow Girl
OOC: XD there's a LA thread where it's six years in the future and Vee's kind of bragging about J'adore and Ferrari and Nobyl XD and she'd preggers. (again) in the thread, at least XDD

Valinta's eyes glittered as J'adore told her about his pack. It seemed like an amazing place to visit or live. She wanted dearly to go see it, now. Her pack wasn't nearly as interesting.
But the spirit guides seemed like something that Valinta would love. Having an animal that means something to her visit, and guide her through her life. It would be wonderful, having someone or something sturdy to lean on when you needed it, she thought.
"Shakespeare is a wonderful writer.." she murmered as she listened to him speak. He was going to leave on the 21st to find his spirit guide? "I'll miss you." Valitna half blurted, half confessed. She could alread ytell that her feelings for him were ones that couldn't, and shouldn't be ignored. He's a wonderful person... Valinta thought, and smiled. "Spain?" she asked. "I almost visited Spain, before!" Valinta added excitedly. "How is it there? Is it really hot, like my papi said it was?" she asked. Valinta had always wnated to travel before having a family, and Spain was a place she wanted to go to. Her father had told her stories about it, and he had met her mother there. She was visiting too, from another pack in Russia.
He had said that he never regretted finding her, even though it made the other pack angry.
But this wasn't like that, for Valinta. She wanted to stay in her pack, firmly in her pack. And never leave. But AniWaya sounded so interesting....
Mentally shaking her head, Valinta smiled and started to tell J'adore about her pack.
A few minutes later, she finished, and said, "I'm trying to advance with my dancing, but its harder, in winter." she smiled at him and then sat down on the ground, and started to give her legs a much needed stretch.

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