[M] -- Oh, you did not just go there...!

wc 1,026

The Takekuro woman rose with the sun that morning as the warm, golden tendrils of light spilled in through any little crack or split it could find in the window coverings in Shawchert's hut. She was taken by the gentle calmness of the morning and the feeling of the warm sliver of light that played across her face and highlighted her golden eyes, and for a moment she laid still in the bed, waking but unmoving, enjoying the peace that had overcome her from the night before. It had been her first time. She had not even been aware that a tension was building in her little body until it had been released. The world felt brand new; she felt reborn. Yeah, she really needed that lay.

There was another warmth beside her and her eyes flicked to take in the sight of her slumbering lover. He was the alpha, and even if they had not formed an official mateship, he was now her lover. She watched as the sun rose and littered more of its life giving light onto the little clearing, and the thread of light that had snaked through the window and awoken her was now creeping onto Shawchert's visage. Last night had done as much good for him as it had for her. She had discovered her Alpha the day before in a terrible state, mourning the loss of love. Orin had been there, and wanted to be there for him, for her seasons of reading novels left her with a deep and driving sense of empathy. There had been a moment there where they were what each other needed, the deepest need of all was the trust of a friend.

A small smile played on Orin's muzzle. Shawchert was quite a perfect choice for her first time. He had every quality that she admired in the heroes of her books. He was handsome, gentle, kind, friendly, but was not afraid to quickly dispatch the bad guy. He had even saved her life once... or at least kept her from sustaining a very bad leg injury the day he found her stuck in the apple tree. She lifted a petite finger and brushed his cheek, but the male was still sleeping soundly.

“Well, can't sit around here all day...” she whispered to herself, and slipped out of bed. She did not want to wake Shawchert. He had been hurting the night before and needed his rest now, so she exercised her natural grace and slipped out of their love nest without a sound. She grabbed her backpack and wrote a quick note:

Sweet Prince,

I am off to take care of some chores. Will you meet me after sundown at my shop?

Your Princess,



She left the little note on the table and slipped out of the hut, forgetting to take her purple shawl.


By the time she reached Thornbury there was a spring in her step that, no matter how lively she had been before, was brand new. She slipped onto the streets of the pack's town entering in the middle of the U-shaped shopping district, and walked a straight path to her bookstore. She did not want to dawdle today, and there were tasks to be done, many repairs that her bookstore still needed. She made quick business of unpacking her satchel and stood upon the stoop of her bookstore while she wrote a list of the materials she needed, and then began going about rifling through the unclaimed shops. She made many trips back and forth, occasionally humming to herself. That latent, innate grace in her tiny body shone through with each fluid step. Sometimes when she moved quickly enough it was as though she was dancing. Her chores went uninterrupted for a time and she was proud of all that she was accomplishing.

She had no clue that she had a distant stalker until the voice rang. She was out on the back patio beating the dust motes off of an old rug when Sky's voice trilled over to her. Her ears twisted first, and then she raised her gaze to peer over at Sky. Essentially, they were neighbors, although Bangle's tree was closer, and from the rear of her shop she had a clear view of Sky's home. In her typical greeting she raised a hand and waved at Sky with a smile. “Sure, Sky...” she replied, not realizing anything was amiss.

She laid the carpet down on the stone stairs and smacked her hands together to rid herself of the dust, then trotted towards Sky's house. Perhaps something was amiss, she began to realize, as she covered the ground between their homes. Why would Sky be calling her over in the middle of her chores? Surely Orin was happy to have the company of any of her pack mates, but when she replayed it in her head she thought she caught something wrong in Sky's voice. Like there was too much control, like her tone had been forced and failed. Her path took her nearly right under Bangle's tree, but she was preoccupied with the small woman and did not notice the coy-wolf looking on from his perch. She pranced up to Sky, all smiles and curiosity.

You see, when it came to Sky's love of their alpha, Orin was clueless. She was not one to be very in tune with gossip (though surely a future as a pack historian would change that soon) and had only met Sky once before, at the bonfire. If she had known, perhaps she would have been more cautious in her approach. Or perhaps she would not have made love to Shawchert at all... But that was not fair, either, for Shawchert was Orin's hero, and she had just as much right to love the man as Sky did.

“What can I do for you?” She tilted her head with the question as she stood before Sky. A broad smile crossed her muzzle that could have been mistaken for gloating, since now and in such close proximity Shawchert's scent was thick on Orin's coat.

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