Shadow Girl
OOC: XD well I figured that if Shaw/Sunny would allow her/them to visit occasionally, then she'd name her children after them in thanks. So Nobyl Shaw (she requested not the full name) and Ferrari Skye! Big Grin and they're li'l Australs, o'course! Big Grin

Valinta smiled at J'adore when he said she could watch his hut. That'd be rather odd, she thought, and she didn't know if she'd be allowed to actually live in his house for a little while because he'd be gone. Valinta shook her head slowly. "I don't know if I'd be allowed to do that..." she said.
When he spoke about the beautiful women, Valinta thought she died a little bit, inside. But then he said that her coloring was unique, to him, at least. That made her feel a little bit better. Her coloring was rather unique, and meant to keep her warm throughout the vicious winters in Russia.
When he invited her to his hut, again, Valinta smiled. "I don't know. That'd be odd." She leaned over to him, and giggled quietly. "Besides, I'd like to meet the people of AniWaya in a different way, when I visit your pack." she smiled and then lay down next to him, looking at the sky.

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