You can't take it with you.

ooc: 516 words.

All his life he had been running, and Bangle was only going to do it again. But these feelings that bubbled through him were strange, and he wasn't sure if he wanted them to linger. It was wrong, he was a gypsy, and would always be one! ... Right? 'Right,' that little voice in his head would say, nearly controlling the coywolf that very day. As he made his way to the living room, his legs felt as if they were on fire, commanding him to sit down for a moment.

He was going to leave. Bangle was going to do just as he had always done, without anyone ever having to know. He could only imagine the surprised look on each of their faces, crossing the home that was once his, with the new boards that Shaw helped him put on, and the decorations and start to his tree house in the big oak that he often stayed in. The male shook his head once, almost viciously, trying to get rid of these thoughts. They were no more than a memory, now, and yet something within him stirred, telling him that he didn't have to go.

But you do, it's too late now.' That voice pierced his mind, and made Bangle lean forward as he sat on the couch. He looked down at his hands, chiseled from the years of work that he put himself through. 'It's time to let these friendships go, and move on like you always do..' The voice said in a slithering tone, much like a snake's. There was turmoil going on within Bangle's brain, and he tried to shut all of his thoughts out as he buried his face, what was once so full of charisma, into his hands somberly.

That's when he heard that other voice, the one that spilled out like milk and honey from one's tongue, but still carried that flare that she was known for. He quickly sat back up, glancing at the doorway. When the coywolf registered who it was, though he had already known, he leaped up on his own two feet again, dust from the couch stirring in disturbance.

"What's it look like I'm doin'?" He said, harsh words spewing forth with inner emotions that were anything but. He beamed at her, looking at her perfectly white fur and hair brilliant in the sunshine as she stood in his doorway. He wasn't about to mention her intruding on his house, it wasn't even his to begin with. Lips pulled back in a snarl as he turned away from her, quickly fetching more things from tables and things strewn on the floor.

"What're yeh doin' 'ere, anyways?" The male asked, poison laced through his words. They hadn't seen each other in how many moons, now? Ever since that... that day? Now suddenly, she was barging in and asking him what he was doing. He was nearly furious, and the way he strode across from room to room and wall to wall, snatching things up as if they would fall anytime, expressed these emotions clearly.

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