Joining - Leader needed please

Ookami listened to Noah speak. He needed to know what to do if he was ever the first to greet somebody at the borders. So far it seemed simple enough. Ask them of their purpose for being there and then if they are wanting to join.. Ask of their skills, then perhaps wait for Geneva or Jefferson to arrive. He gave a small smile at Kami when he introduced himself "Ookami." Was all he said. This wolf much reminded him of himself. Those were the skills that he had come to Phenoix Valley with. It hadn't been that long ago.. About a week, he thought of Adonia and their friendship, he smiled gently. He wondered if this wolf was in need of a companion too.

The wind blew harshly and ruffled his shiny pelt. He loved that feeling, though it gave him chills. He wanted it to be autumn once again, the most beautiful time of year when the weather is perfect. His legs were getting tired from standing up on the cold snow so he plopped down, and wrapped his tail around his body. He kept his head held high. Looking down at the black wolf, wondering what happened in his past. Everyone now adays seemed to have horrible pasts, and he wondered when someone with a good happy past would come around. He sighed, maybe there will never be one. He quieted his thoughts, waiting for Noah's reply,

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